Chapter 64.

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Alrighty so, the Fanfiction Awards 2018 have officially started. It would be amazing if you could go and nominate my story there! Check out my profile, I wrote a little snippet for how you can do so. It would mean so much if you could do that! Thank you much!

Also please don't forget to vote and comment! It really means so much to me that you do so.

S x

Songs for the chapter:

Something I Need - OneRepublic
Spaces - One Direction

Aubrey's POV.

The sun streamed through the room, my eyes squinting to open up from the bright light. The weather had been nice for the past few days and I loved that. It was still the end of January, but there was just something about the Winter months that made me smile. It snowed a bit here in London, definitely not as much as it did back in Calgary - those were some brutal Winters; but here, the season was amazing. I don't know whether it was the crisp cool air, with the rare sunshine appearance or just the coziness the weather brought. Staying warm under down-filled comforters gave me a sense of warmth and relaxation. Seeing the trees dusted lightly under a thin layer of frozen, white fluff is always such a delight to see. The warm bubble baths that I shared to myself - eventually soon, with Harry - calmed my soul. Being able to wear oversized, loose knit sweaters, still gave the snug feeling of personal satisfaction.

I squeezed my eyes shut, yawning widely to shake the sleep off of my body. I extended my arms to stretch my muscles, to start the day. I then reached over to Harry's side only to find it ice cold. My eyes quickly opened up to visually confirm that Harry wasn't in bed and it was true. Clearly, he'd been gone for a while and it confused me. We both didn't have classes until later today, so why was he up this early?

I sat myself up, walked over to the dress, pulling out a jumper and socks to stay warm, since it was still considerably chilly in the room. I double checked the time on the clock again to see that it was only seven-thirty-five. I went to the mirror in the bathroom to wash up. As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I noticed I look like an absolute mess, but somehow, I didn't mind. I gathered my hair and placed it in a high ponytail to keep it out of my face. I crossed my arms, almost hugging my body, which pushed the fabric closer to my body to help keep the warmth inside.

Slowly, I opened the door to the bedroom, and looked around to find Harry standing next to the window. It was obvious that he was looking outside, but in deep thought. The only times he was entirely that focused, was there was something big on his mind. He stood shirtless and barefoot, so I popped inside to get him his robe. I walked back outside and watched him in thought. It was clear that he hadn't noticed my presence yet, since he hadn't moved. He looked like a statue from the stillness of his body.

"Harry?" I lowly spoke, yet softly. He hummed slightly in response and I could tell that there was something off about him. I placed the robe over his shoulders and wrapped my arms around his chest. It didn't take long until he uncrossed his arms, pulling me to his side, placing a kiss on the top of my head. He held me close to him, almost as if he were protecting me from something. There was an over-care to his embrace and it slightly frightened me. Not because I didn't want to feel that his feelings were to an extreme side, since they weren't; but because it showed there was a hidden meaning behind his action.

"Harry?" I repeated, hoping to gain a proper response from him. I waited again until he let out a deep breath. I refrained myself from properly greeting him a good morning, because from what I could tell, it wasn't 'good'.

"Yeah." He spoke coldly, with a deep voice. The single word response wasn't at all was what I was hoping for. He truly had me worried now.

"Is everything okay?" I asked softly, praying I'd get a better answer.

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