Chapter One

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Seventh grade was the year that crushed me. Everything that bad that could possibly happen, happened. My dad almost died. My grades drop. I got in trouble at school. I hated leaving my house. I hated mother. I hated everything.

I know, i was depressed.

I never wanted to hurt myself, thank god. I just wanted to run and run and run until my legs collapsed on the floor, just to escape everything.

Let me rewind a few years back to fifth grade. Everything was going great until my grandmother passed away. I was not very close with her but I still loved and cared for her. But not to long after that my best friend decided to hate me, leaving me heartbroken.

I felt unworthy.

Then middle school started. I made a few friends that I loved and I was okay. Although sixth grade was the hardest year of my life. I had essay after essay to write and late nights and it was to much for a twelve year old but it finally ended and I was on to seventh grade.

The first half of the year was alright at school. At home my dad went into the hospital and almost died of kidney failure. Then for the next six months he was at the doctor and needing procedure after procedure. I was the one most affected by this. My dad is my best friend. I love him with all my heart. He is the only person who was always there for me no matter how late or how dumb it was. He game me advice, he helped me with my homework, and he did everything for me. Almost every weekend he would take me somewhere. But then it stopped and he never wanted to do anything. Which was alright. It sucked because I couldnt talk to him. (i never wanted my mom to know what I was saying to him) I cried a lot because he had to be okay, He needed to be himself again for both him and i.

Anyway that was happening at home but then I went on winter break. But once we got  back was when things got bad for me.

I was so excited to finally be back as school. I was one of those kids were loved school. Two weeks back and something snapped in me making me hate school. I hated my classmates, i hated my subjects, i hated the work i had to do. I never wanted to go to school.

I used to be straight As now I was As and Bs which was alright but for me bad. I felt like a failure. I felt like i wasnt good enough which eventually caused me to stop trying. Sure I didnt let my grades go below a B and if i could keep it at a A i did that but at the same time I didnt care.

I used to always participate in class but then I stopped. Teachers became shocked to see my hand go up.

I was never one to have a ton of friends but I always had a few. It felt like those few friends didnt care for me all that much. They always had someone they preferred over me. I was the odd one out. Sometimes I would think Im crazy for thinking that but then I think Im right. Maybe it was in my head. Maybe it wasn't. I dont know. 

I couldnt wait to get out of there. I was 13 and ready to get the hell away as fast as I could. Anyway I could. I hated being at home but I also hated being at school. I was to young to get a job but to old to run outside. I felt trapped. i was waiting for the day I got a car was able to drive and go anywhere I want. I was waiting for the day I would move to college officially becoming an adult.

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