Chapter Twelve

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When we land it is noon and I have caught up on all my sleep. I am feeling energized and ready to face the world, more specifically New York.

We walk off the plane hand in hand and dont let go till he orders our Uber. Soon we are on our way to our hotel. I saw the hotel a mile away. It was huge, a resort even.

"That can't be our hotel." I say.

"It is."

There was two pools that I could see, water slides, tennis court, restaurants, and even a movie theater.

When we get into the room it is even more amazing. The room is huge with a king size bed and a balcony. The bathroom is the size of my room with a hot tub in the middle of the room.

"This is crazy Jonathan. You didn't have to do this."

He puts his hands on my face "I know," He kisses my lips. "But I wanted to." He kisses my lips again and holds me. "So what do you want to do first?" He asks. I look out the window, our room overlooks everything.

"Lets go to the water park."

"Perfect, I get to see you in a bikini."

"I hate you."

"No you dont, you love me."

"Damn straight." I tell him.

I change into a simple black and white bikini. It pushes up the girls a little bit and makes me look tan. When I walk out the bathroom Jonathan is shirtless. This is not the first time I have seen him like this but every time it takes my breath away. His shorts are just a simple teal, but they complement his tan perfectly.

He notices me staring and walks over to me. "You like?" he asks and I nod. He laughs making me break into a smile.

"I can't with you." I tell him.

"You ready?" I look him and up down one more time "Guess so."

We start with the biggest slide then work our way down. Then we do that two more times. By the end it is nearing six and the sun starting to set. We sit down on a foldout chair. I am in between his legs, his arms wrapped around me. Our legs are entwined.

"I can stay like this forever." I tell him.

"Me too."

That night we order pizza and just lay in bed together watching movies. We are either talking, eating, or kissing.

"Hey Cara?" He asks me. 


"Have you ever been to a party? Like one with booze?"

"No?" I ask.

"Would you like to go to one?" I look at him like he is crazy. We are underage and I dont want to go to jail. "Not really." I tell him truthfully. He drops his jaw a little then smiles. "Come on. It will be fun." He comes close to me wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me in. "I don't care. I don't want to." He pulls me in closer and nuzzles his head into my neck. "Please babe." I break away from him. "No. I dont want to go. You can go, but I am not coming with you." I snap on him. I have never liked underage drinking. I think it causes nothing but trouble and I want nothing to do with but I also know I can't control him. If he wants to go he can but he better not expect me to go with him.

He is shocked by my outburst. He backs against the pillows. "Okay. Okay. Calm down." He tells me. I shake my head still agitated and go into the bathroom to cool down. I dont want to get mad at him and I dont want him mad at me. I am in the bathroom for a good thirty minutes and I hear him moving around, but quickly shrug it off. Soon he is knocking at the door. "Cara?" He calls through it. I open the door. "Yes?" He itches the back of his neck then puts his hands in his pockets. "I am going to go. Okay?" He asks me. My jaw slacks a little bit. "You're going to a party?" I ask. He hesitates but then answers with a yes. "Why?" This vacation is for the both of us. Not just for him. "I thought it would be fun." "You dont know anyone. You will be alone, how will that be fun?" I ask. His eyes narrow and i can see him thinking. "You can't be mad at me." I dont answer but instead cross my arms. "Why are you so upset?" He asks me. I open the door wider before carefully choosing my words. "We came to New York to spend time together and now you are going to leave to go get drunk?" He leans against the door frame and crosses his legs. "Well you dont want to come with me.". "So?" I ask, "I thought you wanted to go together. Do something together, but now I see you just wanted to get wasted instead of being with me." He scoffs at me and looks me up and down. "You know what. Forget it." He turns on his heel and leaves.

For a moment I am angry then I am sad. We just had our first fight and I dont know where he is going. I want him to stay safe. I decided to just wait an hour to cool down a little bit then I will call him.

I call him three times within a half hour. I leave two voicemails. I text him once. Another hour goes by. He has never gone this long without answering my texts message. Then i check his location. I feel like a crazy girlfriend but I am worried about him and want to make sure he is okay. I see he is 25 minutes away at a bar. I call again and then decided to go looking for him. I throw on jeans and hoodie. I put google maps on then start walking. I keep my phone on me at all times. I am more than half way there when I see i have to turn down a alleyway. I have heard the rumors and I get scared. I look down there and see no one so I quickly run down it. I am halfway out of there when I am pulled back against the side of a building. My heart starts racing. "What is a pretty girl like you doing here?" the man whispers in my ear sending chills down my back. I am frozen with fair. He is holding by my waist in a tight hold. He reaches around and grabs me. I yelp. "Please stop." I stutter out. He grabs me even harder. I start crying. "Lets see what we have here." His hands go under my shirt and squeezes my ribs. I can feel bruises starting to form. "No please." I wail. I hear someone walking and I start crying even louder. "Stop. Please. Help me." I cry out over and over while he touches me where he shouldn't. Then the guy is ripped off of me. I hear him cry in pain. I see the outline of the guy on the gross floor getting punched in the face. "Dont you ever touch her again." The main punching him yells. I immediately recognize his voice and fall to the ground crying again. "Jonathan!" I call out and he freezes. "I want to go." I yell out. He stops and run over to me and picks me up. He starts running towards our hotel while I cry.

Finally we are in the elevator and he puts me onto my feet. I put my heads over my face and cry into his face. "Cara why are you crying still? What happened back there?" He walks me back to our room and upon closing the door I hug him. I hug him untill I cant no more and my muscles hurt. I am still crying but he is here and that is all that matters. "I was worried about you. I called you and texted you and you didn't answer. I thought you got hurt or something." I hiccup between breaths.  "Then I saw your location was on so I tried to find you but then this guy started groping me." I start wailing again. This time because I have never felt more scared before. That guy almost had his way with me. Jonathan pulls me into a hug. "Im so sorry. I thought you didn't want to see me an-" I interrupt him "No, never you stupid idiot." I slap his chest. "I could never not want to see you." i tell him. "Im sorry. I was at the bar for a little bit then decided to come back. Then I found you," he trails off. "Are you hurt?" he asks me. I shrug my shoulders. "Im just really tired." I tell him. We walk into bed together. I fall down into the mattress but he changes into his boxers. "Do you want to get into something comfy?" He asks. I shake my head. "Can you do it for me? Im too tired.". He stops for a minute then gets my clothes out of my suitcase. "You want me to change you?" He asks. I nod my head. "Like a baby?" He says. I nod again. He pulls my shirt over my head leaving me in my bra. I can feel his eyes looking me up and down and then he gasp. "Cara you have bruises." I sit up and look down and he is right. On my ribs and even on my hips there are slight purple marks forming. "He grabbed me." I whisper. Jonathan pulls my shirt over my head and kisses my lips. I take my bra off and throw it. I slide out of my jeans and walk over to the mirror. There are a couple more bruises on my thighs. I didn't even realize his touched me there. I see Jonathan looking at me from the edge of the bed. His forehead is wrinkled and he is in deep thought. I slide on my shorts and sit down on his lap. "Im sorry." He whispers. "Why are you sorry?" I ask. "Because if it wasn't for me then you wouldn't be here." "Jonathan that's stupid." I lift his chin up so he is looking at me. "If it wasn't for you I would have probably been even more hurt. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't even be in New York." I gently kiss his lips and linger for a second. "I know." I kiss him again. "But still." he says.

That night I couldn't sleep. My mind wouldn't shut off. I thought about every possible way the night could of ended. A couple of times I got out of Jonathan's arms to look at my bruises. I wondered if it was my fault for being so naive and going into a strange city by myself. I should of known better but then I think why would that guy attack me. I didn't do anything. By the time I fall asleep I am disgusted with myself and all of humanity.

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