Chapter Eight

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He picked me at exactly at six. I had him get me from work, I didn't want my mom to see and question me. I dont know how she would feel and I dont want to know.

In the car we held hands and listened to music. When I saw the lit up Farris wheel I gasped. I love the fair but I never go. It is expensive and I hate spending the money but I never spend money so I didn't feel bad tonight. 

When we walked in i smelt nothing but of sweet sicking food that I love. I don't usually go at night but seeing it all lit up is amazing. Its beautiful and perfect.
The first thing we do is go on Typhoon. It is like a roller coaster but it spins you in circles super fast. When I was younger it was my favorite and I would ride it over and over until I got sick.

"That was so much fun!" I exclaim when we got off.

"What do you want to do next?"

"You choose. Im down for anything."

"Lets go on the yoyo then."

The last stop of the night was the Farris wheel. I laid my head on his shoulder as we went up.

"I never want this night to end." I whisper. He looks down at me and I look up at him.

"Me too."

My heart starts to speed up because I know this is the moment. He is going to kiss me. we haven't kissed yet and Im nervous. I lift my head up when i see his eyes flicker to my lips.

He leans in a bit and then stops looking at me for permission. I nod my head and then before I know it his lips are on mine. My chest is bubbling and my toes are tingling. I can't focus on one thing.

His lips are soft and taste like honey with a hint of coffee. His hand is in my hair and my hand is on his bicep. Its hard and muscular. When the ride starts moving again we pull away. Im breathless and his eyes are full of something I can't recognize.

"Wow," He whispers under his breath. I lean in once more pecking his lips before the ride stops and we have to get off.

We walk to the car in silence. Both of us breathless still. I see the time says nine.

"Do you have a curfew?" He asks.

"I dont know. I never hang out with friends." I answer truthfully. "Why do you?"

"No. As long as I call. Maybe you should too. I want to show you something."


I call my dad.

"Who are you with?" He asks.

"A friend. Dont worry about me."

"What should you tell your mother?"

"Tell her I'm with a friend."

"Alright Cara. I love you. Be careful." I smile. 

"I will dad. I love you too."

Jonathon takes me to a empty field. He walks around the car opening the door for me then walking to the back of the car. He pulls out two blankets and lay one in the grass.

"Let's watch the stars."


"Yeah, I love doing this."

My head is on his shoulder and his arm is wrapped around me. Our legs are a tangled mess. The other blanket is laid over top of us.

"When I was younger I hated summer break. Or any break for that matter." I say.

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