Chapter Fifteenth

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On Christmas Eve my dad asked me if I wanted to invite Jonathan over for dinner. I told him we broke up. When he asked me why I just shrugged my shoulders and started crying when he left my room. I didn't go to bed that night. I watched Christmas movies alone in my room. Around 8 am Brenda texted me inviting me and my parents over for dinner. She didn't mention Jonathan but it made me wonder if it was his idea or not. Probably not. Around noon my mom comes in and tells me we are going to Jonathan's house. When i ask how she knew about it, she said Brenda called her.

This will be the first time my parents meet Jonathan's, well his mom. His dad is away somewhere and won't be home.

We are going at three so I have some time on my hands. I take a shower and pick out an outfit. I deiced I am not going to get fancy. I put on skinny jeans with a red long sleeves shirt. For shoes I wear my black high tops. My hair is down in it natural curls. When I am done getting dressed it is 2. There are butterflies in my stomach and I can't sit down.

I need to take a drive and distract myself. I get in my car and just start driving with the music blasting. The windows are down and my hair is all over the place. My mind is clear and when I stop the car I am at the coffee shop from the other day. The place is open but slow so I deiced to go in. A boy named  Mark is behind the cash register and is ready to take my order. "Merry Christmas!" he says like Santa Clause. "What can I get for you?" He seems to happy to be working on Christmas but I end up ordering hot chocolate from him anyway. I don't need coffee right now.

When I get home it is just 3 and my parents push me out the door. For once I am not happy to be at his house, even as much as I love it. "Cara you should knock since you spend half of your time here." my mom says. I roll my eyes and knock. Brenda opens it with a big smile. We take a step in the foyer and I introduce everyone. "Brenda this is my mom and dad, Carol and Clark. Mom and Dad this is Brenda." They smile and shake hands like nothing is wrong and this isn't weird. I just stand awkwardly in the back while they talk. My mom goes and help Brenda with the food while my dad and I sit on the couch watching the game. "You alright?" He asks me. I shrug my shoulders. "Why did you do this to me?" i ask. They know what just happened. "We never even celebrate christmas, why are we starting now?" He sits up and sighs. "Cara you are leaving in less than year for college. I don't know when we will spend another holiday together and I want to make the most of it. Mom and I both do." Now I feel bad. "I get that dad, but seriously? At my ex boyfriend's house?" He laughs a little and I can't help but crack a smile. he shrugs his shoulders and returns his attention back to the TV.

I make my way to the kitchen. I sit at the island and just listen to my mom talk to Brenda. She doesn't have any friends so it is nice to see her have someone. "Oh hello sir." i hear faintly in the living room. My heart drops to my chest. Brenda looks at me and I take a gulp. My dad says something in return and then I hear two pairs of footsteps. Jonathan and dad comes in the kitchen. I sit up and look between them. "Hello ma'am, how are you?" Jonathan says, completely ignoring me. My mom says something that I don't hear. "Im going to the bathroom." I whisper.

He seems fine. He seems alright i guess. I dont know. Different too. Hollow a little bit. I don't know but then again aren't i the same? I look in the mirror and try to see what is different about me. I have bags under my eyes. My eyes aren't as light. I look paler. Could all of this happened within a few days? I rub my face and leave the bathroom. I hear everyone in the dining room so that is where I go. The only open seat is between my dad and Jonathan. Great. I think to myself. A salad is passed around the table "Dont worry honey, there is ham too. Its in the oven." Brenda says and I nod.

I dont say much during the appetizer but at dinner it felt like all the attention was focused on me. "Have you heard back from any colleges?" My mom asks. "I should hear from UCLA and NYU soon."

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