Chapter Three

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He is in all three of those classes and the bad part was he stared at me the entire time! I have history, math, and biology with him. I want to scream. His brown eyes stared into me. Like he was reading my soul and every time I looked at him he smiled and didn't stop looking.

The only good thing was that he did not say anything to me. I don't want him to talk to me. It will draw attention to me that I dont want.

After school I run straight to my car hoping not to see him. I end up getting to work early but it was fine since it was busy. My boss had me doing the register, not my favorite. It can be difficult getting the orders down fast enough and plus I usually see people from school because of my hours. But the I do as Im told like the puppy I am.

Im halfway done with my shift and about to go on break when I see him. 


He doesnt notice me as he reads the menu but then his eyes flicker away and meet mine. He smiles and saunters up to the counter.

"Hey." he says

"Hi, what can I get you?" I play dumb. Hoping he relizes I am dumb and then moves on but he doesnt.

"You go to my school." it is more of a statement then a question but I answer him anyway.


"Cool, can I get a black coffee and your phone number?" I laugh. Really i do. Ive never been hit on at work.

"Sorry we are all out of that but what size?" I reply back.

He smirks. His smirk by the way is beautiful. It shows his dimples. His perfect dimples.

"Aw, okay, a large."


As I walk out Jonathon comes up next to me.

"Are you following me?" I ask.

"Not exactly. On a real note though can I have your number?"


"Because you are pretty and seem awesome. "

I sigh look away and running a hand through my hair.

"Listen, no one talks to me at school. I have no friends. Im the werid girl who eats lunch in her car. You are this popular boy with the pretty eyes and nice body. You have fit right in. I dont and you dont want to ruin that. "

"So you think Im hot?"

"Is that all you got from that?"

He laughs. "Maybe I want to eat lunch with the weird girl in her car."

"Is your  phone ready?"

You, Me, and Us ////// Wannabe_lol_1212Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora