Chapter Nine

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We met Jonathan at Chillis for lunch. When I was younger my dad would take me to chillis every so often. I mean he took me everywhere else but there was something about chillis that we both loved and plus its mt favorite restaurant.

I sat next to Jonathan and my dad sat alone at the opposite side of the booth. My dad is a very easy guy. He isn't to protective and he is nice and kind. I knew my dad would like Jonathan so I wasn't nervous but I could tell Joanthan was. Sitting next to him his knee was bouncing up and down and I could feel his heart racing. And when he talked, he stuttered a little bit.

It was honestly kind of adorable but I felt bad. I didn't want him to be so nervous.

When my dad left to go to the bathroom I turned and faced him.

"Babe, you don't have to be so nervous." I tell him and then I relized that was the first time I have called him babe or anything other than Jonathan. But he does relax a little bit.

"Huh, babe? I like the sound of that." He says.

"Okay good, but just relax, my dad is chill. He already likes you just don't mention how you think the Beatles are stupid okay?"

"Okay. Does he like the Rolling Stones." He asks me.

"He loves them. Let me talk to first okay?"

"Okay." He pecks my cheek making me smile.

"So you want to hear one the best things I have ever done for my dad?" I ask.

Jonathan laughs and my dad smiles. "Sure, go ahead. "

"So The Rolling Stones came out with this blues album and my dad really wanted it. Like every time we heard them on the radio he would say something about how he wants to listen to it so then for Christmas I bought him the album. He was so shocked and plus it was my first time getting anyone gifts but I wrapped and made it look pretty. It was so nice of me."

"I still have that CD too." My dad chimes.

"Yeah you better, that was expensive."


After lunch I went to Jonathan's house. I was a little nervous because we would be alone in his house. Anything is possible and I wasn't ready for that. His parents were in some other county he told me. They had just left and would be gone for a while.

He showed me his room. There were band posters covering the walls and it was cool. His desk was messy but everything else was neat. You could tell he spent a lot of time at his desk. He has a walk-in closet and an en suite. There is also a small balcony facing the backyard and the pool and hot tub. His house is really nice to say the least.

His bed was basic with white sheets and a black comforter. We laid in it watching netflix for the majority of the time. We didn't say much but when we did we would have whole conversations.

They wren't forced either. they were natural and meaningful. I loved talking to him and I also loved sitting in silence with him. His presence was just amazing in general. Before we knew it the sun was setting and I was getting tired.

"Do you want to stay the night?" He asks. I hesitate. I want to yes of course but should i?

My mom would have a cow. Me at another boy's house.

"I don't know. My mom.." I trail off.

"Well how about you think about while I order us some pizza." he gets out of bed, leaving me cold. "Are you a pepperoni type of girl or plain?"

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