Chapter Thirteen

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The duration of our stay was spent in our hotel room. A couple of times we went out to dinner, but other that I didn't leave the room. I just laid in bed with Jonathan. I felt gross. I showered morning and night but I still felt used. The bruises turned a little darker and didn't start to heal till we left on the plane. I didn't talk much. I didn't know what to say and all I could think about was what happened. We just watched movie together which was nice. I loved being in his company but I felt a little lost, im not going to lie. I also feel guilty. I wasted out trip. I told Jonathan to go out but he didn't want to leave me. I told him I had gotten my period and I had bad cramps but I don't how much he believed me.

The plane I just slept on his shoulder and in the car drive home I laid my head on the window. We are almost back to my place when he pulls over into a Mcdonalds parking lot. He pulls into the first spot and puts the car into park. He turns the radio off and looks at me. I look back confused. He throw his hands up. "Whats the matter?" he asks me. "What?" I ask, "Nothing." "Are you sure?" He is upset and angry. A little worried. "Why do you ask?" "This entire you trip you barely spoke. You wanted to do nothing but lay in bed. You wouldn't even look at me let alone kiss me! I had to pull teeth for you to go out to dinner with me. What is going on? This isnt you. I know you got attacked but is it me? Are you over me? I want to help you, but I feel like the problem." I feel even more guilty now. He is right. "Jonathan, baby its not you." I turn and face him. "I am just so shook up by what happened and i feel so gross! I should have never gone into the city alone. I know better. I have heard the stories. Who knows what could of happened to me?" I cry out. My head falls into my hands. "I could have died. I could have never seen you again. Never told you I loved you." The thought makes me cry. I love him with everything I have. "Im so sorry Jonathan. I didn't mean to hurt you or ruin our trip. I wanted to do so much but I am so crushed. Jonathan what do i do?" I yell out turning and facing him. Tears are falling down my face. He grabs my hands and looks me in the eye. "I dont know Cara. I honestly dont know. What I do know is that you can talk to me. I will be here for whatever you need when you need it. I am so sorry this happened to you but soon you will be okay. Soon those bruises will heal and so will you." 

I spent the night with Jonathan, but again I couldn't sleep. I just laid in his arms, sometimes I went on my phone. It was just one of those nights. I texted my dad around 3 am, I told him I needed to talk to him. we agreed on lunch. When the sun started to rise I sat on the balcony and watched it. I left my phone behind and just sat and listened to the world. I It had cleared my mind and made things clear. I knew what I was going to do and how I was going to overcome it. I felt okay for the first time in a few days. Soon Jonathan joined with a cup of coffee. "Hey," he whispers still half asleep. I smile at him and graciously take the coffee. He sits next to me. "Hi," I whisper. "What are you doing?" He asks me. "Stuff." He looks at me and smiles "Oh yeah?" I nod my head and lean against him. "Yeah." 


I met my dad at some random restaurant by his work. "How was New York?" he asks me. I smile. "It was good, could of been better though." I tell him honestly. His eyebrows shoot up. "Why?" I start to play with the straw wrapper. "I got attacked Dad." I whisper. "What? What happened?" I take a deep breath in and try to find my voice. "Jonathan and I got into a fight. He left and I went to go look for him. It was dark and I-I-" My words fumble. "Cara, speak to me." He holds my hand across the table. "This guy came up to me. He grabbed me and pushed me against the wall." He interrupts me "Oh no," He knows where this is going. "He put his hands where he shouldn't have. He almost raped me I think or murdered me I dont know what he was going to do." My head shakes at the thought and I look at his for the first time and he is on the verge of tears. I have never seen my father cry and I have never wanted to. I have avoided at all times. "He didn't though. I am okay. Jonathan found me and saved me. He saved me dad." I try to comfort him. "Thats not the point Cara. Did he hurt you?" I nod my head. "He grabbed me so tightly that he left marks. On my hips and ribs. Other places but I dont want to get into it." He sighs "Did you call the police?" I shake my head. "Its no use. I didn't see his face. They would have never found him and I shouldn't have gone out by myself. I know better." I tell him. "Cara it isn't your fault. You should be able to walk the streets by yourself if you want to. Its not fair." I simply nod my head. "I know."


I had my dad take me to Jonathan's. "This is where he lives?" My dad asks shocked. "I know. Its crazy. You should see the pool." I tell him. "Do you think I should walk you? Like the protective dad I am?" I laugh, he is nothing like protective. "You could." He parks the car and walks up with me. As we approach the door I hear yelling coming from inside. Its weird. I look at my dad confused. I recognize one of the voices as Jonathan's and then another male voice. It could be his father but I dont know if he back from wherever he was at. "Should we go?" My dad asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I dont know."

"You can't just take some strange girl to New York Jon!" I hear come from the inside. Oh no. I think. This can't be good. "Whats the big deal? I wanted to go and I wanted her with me!" I hear Jonathan yell back. "How do you know she isn't after our money! My money!" The other voice says. "Because I love her and she loves me too! She couldn't care less about money." I look at my dad and his jaw is slightly dropped. "You love him?" He asks me. "I think so," He pats me shoulder "Be careful then." I nod my head then knock. I don't want his dad to think that of me. "Who the hell could that be?" I hear Jonathan snap. Feet walk up to the door and then stop. "Cara is here. You can meet her." I assume he looks through the peep hole. The door opens and he smiles "Hi. I brought my dad hope that is okay." Jonathan looks over my shoulder "Of course. How are you sir?" He asks. "Good. I just wanted to thank you for taking her to New York and saving her." "Of course. Anything for her." My dad smiles "Good to hear. Well then, I am going. Cara you have school tomorrow be home at a decent time." I nod my head.

When he leaves I say "I heard you yelling." Jonathan's face drops. "My dad is mad I took you to New York. He thinks you are a gold digger and I am so glad you are here to prove him wrong." He grabs my hand and drags my hand. "What? No. Jonathan I dont want him to hate me for showing up at a bad moment." I tell him. "No such thing baby." he kisses my hand. "Dad!" he calls out and take me to what I assume is his office. I smile as nicely as I could. "This is Cara, my girlfriend." he introduces me. His dad extends his hand "Bob, nice to meet you." I shake it. "You too." i tell him. I look over at Jonathan and he is looking at his dad suspiciously. "How was New York?" Bob asks me. "Oh it was wonderful." I tell him. He looks bitter and upset about the idea "Thats good to hear." I nod my head. Jonathan takes my hand "Well we are going up to my room." Jonathan says pulling me away. When he closes the door to his bedroom he pulls me in close. "Does your dad hate me?" I ask. He sighs quietly "No, not you. Just me." I look at him and he is a little upset. "Why?" He rolls his eyes "Who knows?"

I hate that he doesn't have a great relationship with his parents. I mean mine with my mother isn't all there but my dad and I get along great. I think it hurts him that they are never around. Before we were together he must of always been alone. I gently kiss his lips to change the mood but he grabs me tighter, deepening the kiss. "Enough about me, how are you?" he asks pulling slightly away. It warms my heart that he cares about me like that. "Im good." I lean back in "Great actually." I see him smiles a little out of the corner of my eye and it makes me smile. "I love you." I whisper. He pulls me in so closer I am squished "I love you too. So much."


this chapter was a little short but I have writers block

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