Chapter Eighteen

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I didn't notice the welcome to Georgia sign or any other welcome sign. It wasn't until I saw New Jersey the next day that I noticed. You may be wondering how I didn't notice we left Florida. Well I was sleeping or reading or on my phone. Always distracted which is weird of me because my favorite part of road trips is looking out the window. Apparently we stopped in North Carolina and I didn't know.

"Jonathan?" I said.


"Where are we?" He smiles "So you finally ask. New Jersey my love." I start to panic. "Why are we in New Jersey?"

"I thought we would go tour NYU. So you will know your way around." I slouch in my seat a little. I thought maybe it was because he wanted to find a place together because he would be coming with me.


"What? You dont like that idea?"

"No, its fine. Its going to be fun." i tell him.

He shrugs a little bit but pulls out and gets back onto the highway.


I told Jonathan I was going down to the lobby for some coffee but I lied. I was going to get coffee but at a coffee shop three blocks away and I wanted to go by myself. It was noon, the prime time in the city. Everyone was outside and everyone was different. Nothing like back home.

The coffee shop was called La Bean and it was probably over priced and not even that good but the aesthetics had to be amazing. I only saw the front on google and i knew i had to go. Walking in I got hit with the waft of coffee beans important from some foreign country. The place was filled with aspiring people and their fancy equipment. Everyone had a place. Its like New York is so small and yet so big. Their is enough room for everyone and everything.

"What can I get you?" A girl a little older than me asked. She had shiny curly hair, tan skin covered in freckles. She wore a bright red lipstick that made her eyes pop. Her name tag called her Taylor. "A hot coffee with creamer and sugar." She grabs a foam white cup. "Anything else?" She asks. "How about a black coffee too. Oh and a doughnut." She smiles and asks for my name.

I notice the pins on her lanyard, one of them being NYU. "You go to NYU?" i ask. She looks down and blushes a little. "Yeah, I love it." She tells me. 

"Im going there this fall."

"Oh really? What are you majoring?"

"Journalism," I tell her.

"Me too!" She exclaims. 

"Awesome, it will be nice to see a familiar face."

"Here," She grabs a napkin and scribbles something down. "Take my number. Text me or something. Ill show you around." I take the napkin and stuff it in my pocket. "Thank you! I will."

I walk out with a new set of feelings about New York. This can be really good. This will be really good and I cannot wait for it to start.


"And this is where all the dorms are located." Our tour guide said. He was 5'9 with curly hair and black glasses. He was dressed in a button up with khakis. "There is a living room on each floor with a kitchen but there are kitchenettes in the rooms." I smile and thank him for taking us on the tour. "Watcha think?" Jonathan asks me. I look around and smile. "I love it. Its not to big but not to small. Its full of life and passion." I say. "I agree. Its really nice."

"So nice for you to live here?" I ask. He rolls his eyes. "If I am living in New York then we are getting an apartment together." He kisses my cheek. "Lets walk around."

You, Me, and Us ////// Wannabe_lol_1212Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang