Chapter Sixteen

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"This is the last time I will see you as a senior." My dad says. "I know." He takes a seat on my bed. "I remember your first day of kindergarten." I laugh a little. "Me too." He pats my shoulder "Ill leave you to get ready. Be there at six you said?" He asks. "Yeah, six."

I take my time in the shower. I shave everything head to toe then put on the black dress and matching black heels. I fix my hair and then my makeup. I grab my cap and gown and get into my car. Nerves fill my stomach and I am freaking out. Three months till NYU. Three months till Jonathan and I part. I look down at the ring. He promised things will be fine and that is what I am hoping for.

I park right next to Jonathan's car and head inside towards the gym. Someone pulls me into a dark closet and kisses my cheek. I already know it is Jonathan and pull him in for a real kiss. "This is it," he whispers. "We are free after today." I smile a little and kiss him. "We are."

We walk into the gym hand and hand and dont part until we have to. Soon enough the speakers are speaking and names are called. "Cara Caputo." Mr. Varjack calls. I see my parents in the audience followed by Brenda and even Bob, but loudest is Jonathan still behind the curtain. I take my seat and silently freak out. I am done. I did it. "Jonathan Parker." I stand up and cheer as loudly as I could. His eyes fine mine and sends me a wink. The ceremony ends and I meet Jonathan by our parents. Without even realizing it I linked my hand with his, like it was second nature. When I realized i though to myself how am I going to go months without him?  I dont know how I will survive. The longest we go without each other is seven hours. It is so sad. "Lets go out to dinner. In celebration." Brenda suggests.

At dinner I could not stop thinking about about how attached I am to Jonathan. It isn't healthy but I cannot help it. Even at dinner I held his hand constantly and laid my head on his shoulder. "You okay?" he whispers and I nod. My mom notices too "Why so glum Cara? You have been waiting for this moment your entire life." Of course she has to mention. "I know. Just things are not how I planned." She pushes a little more. "What do you mean?" I thought I wouldn't be madly in love. I thought I would be ecstatic and already packed. I would of already been gone. Now I am leaving as late as I can. "I didn't know I would be where I am thats all." She takes a bite of her pasta "Is it Jonathan?" He is right there and she is talking like he isn't. "What?" She swallows her bite. "Is he holding you back?" What is she implying. "No. I am holding myself back." I tell her. "Are you still going to New York?" I challenge her. "What are you saying mom?" She pushed the plate away. "I think you think you are madly in love but you're not. You are going to make sacrifices that you will later regret. I think you already have." Jonathan's grip on my hand tightens when I try to let go. "No, I am doing what I want. Trust me."

"So if Jonathan doesn't go to New York, you will still go?" She asks.

"Yes, I will."

"But how would you know he won't be cheating on you." I stand up. "He is not that kind of person and the fact you think he is disgusting." She shrugs her shoulders. "Boys are boys." Jonathan opens his mouth to say something but closes it. I couldn't deal with so I turned around and left without looking back. I walk out to my car and get in.  Behind the wheel I lay my forehead against it. The door opens next to me and Jonathan gets in. We sit in silence for a moment before he speaks "Cara its fine." I look at him but say nothing. "She can think whatever she wants. It doesn't matter. It doesn't change anything." I look at him like he is crazy "Are you saying what she is?" I ask. "What? No. What I am saying is that it doesn't matter what she thinks." I sigh and shake my head. Nothing makes sense. Things are suppose to make sense right now and they aren't.

"Lets get out of here." he says. We switch seats with him behind the wheel and myself next to him. "I love you." he says as he lays his hand on my thigh. I lean the seat back "I know, I love you too." I put my trust into him and let him take me anywhere.


I wake up in Jonathan's bed. The shower is running and there is music playing. I check my phone and see multiple texts from my parents asking me where I am. I tell them I am at Jonathan's like always. i wished he took me far far away but I am still in the town I have always been in. I think about just getting up and leaving. Driving somewhere and not looking back. Maybe I would head up to New York and get an early start. Maybe I could leave the country. I could go anywhere but then I dont know if I could be away from Jonathan. He could come but I dont know if he would want to.

The shower stops and Jonathan walks out with a towel around his waist. His hair has water droplets that fall down his shoulders when he moves. "You're up." He says. He heads into his closet and walks out in clothes. He lays down next to me and throws his arm around my waist. "Whats wrong?" he asks. "Nothing." I say, and yet everything is wrong. He picks up his phone and plays music through out the room. "What should we do?" I am not in the mood to do anything. "I dont know." He rolls onto his other side and picks up his phone unlocking it before facing me again. A few minutes go by and I become very bored. I feel myself become jumpy. "Lets go on a drive." I say. He raises his head a bit "A drive? Where to?" I have no idea. "Let me drive." I slip on jeans and his shirt from the night before and grab his car keys.

I have never driven his car before but I imedetly fell in love. Sure, my car is nice but compared to a range rover? Its nothing. I roll down the windows and top and blast the music. He laughed. I felt powerful, like the entire world was in the palm of my hand. I pulled out of his driveway and drove. The only thing I could hear was the wind whipping me in the ears with the faint sound of the radio. Hours went by and soon the sun was setting. I pulled into a parking lot and turned off the car. "Where are we?" I ask. Jonathan laughs and looks at me like im crazy. "You don't know where we are?" I just turned when it felt right. I know I didn't get on the freeway so we couldn't be that far. "Tell me," I say. "Well I dont know you're the driver." I pull out my phone to ask Siri and I have no service. "Do you have any service?" I ask him. He looks and shakes his head. "Shit," I whisper to myself. I pull out and start driving looking for service.

"I got it!" Jonathan calls out looking down at his phone. I pull over and take it out of his hands. "Siri where am I?" A moment passes and she responds, "You are in Tampa Florida." I look at Jonathan with wide eyes. "We are across the frekin state!" I yell. His eyes share the same look as mine and then he laughs. Like full on, heaving, head in his hands laughter. I dont know if I have ever seen him laugh like this. "This isnt funny!" He continues laughing and then a moment later I laugh too. I laugh so hard my chest hurts and I can't breath. My cheeks hurt and my eyes are watering. When we catch out breath he looks at me. "This isn't a big deal." He says, "Lets stay and hang out for the next few days." I must look hesitate because he adds. "Come on we have just graduated! This will be out first adult thing. Lets do it." I consider it. "You know we have nothing and are totally unpaired." He smiles "Thats the fun part." I pull the car into drive. "This is very childish for an adult adventure." I see him smile out of the corner of my eye and laugh to himself.


sorry i havent posted in a while i have had writers block .

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