Chapter Twenty

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My first semester was a success. I made good grades. I had quickly become great friends with Taylor, plus we were roommates. I loved the city. It was everything I had hoped for and more and I could never see myself leaving.

When I came home for Christmas I spent most of my time at the coffee shop I found months ago. I had almost forgotten about it. Everyday for the trip i was there. When I wasn't there I was at home catching up with my family.

The day before I left, I drove by Jonathan's house. His car was there. I even saw his mom watering the garden. I almost stopped.

Its weird that it has been a year since we spent Christmas at his house and now I dont even know where he is.

I went downtown after. When we came here I had never felt so happy and free. I have tried not to sulk the past months but today I gave myself a break. I walked around briefly but then I went to the beach.  I let the waves crash onto my ankles as I look past the horizon. The sun was setting and only a handful of people were there. My phone vibrated in my pocket and it was a text from Jonathan. My breath got caught in my throat.

You look beautiful tonight

I didn't know what to say. How did he know? Where is he?

Hi  i replied with.

"You really do look beautiful." I turn around. There he is in all of his glory.

"What are you doing here?" Its the only words I can choke out. He looks past my shoulder. "I started coming here when I couldn't deal with life."

A child is laughing in the distance. The waves are crashing loud and powerful yet calm and soothing. A sound I have always loved. Impossible to find in New York. "What happened to Europe?" I say. He shrugs his shoulders. "I didn't go."

I turn my head just a little. I am trying to understand this boy in front of me. The Jonathan I know is tall and confident. This person is lost and unsure. He doesn't even have to say it. I wonder what happened within the past months. Could it have been myself? I didn't end it. I still texted him for months.

"Why not?" 

He smiles a small smile. It could have been the first one in a while. "Lets sit down." We walk up the shore and sit down in the sand. Our knees are barely touching. Sand is sticking to my feet. I look at his profile. His hair is grown out a little too long. His shirt is ripped and his pants hang low. He is staring straight ahead. "You never came." I say to break the silence. It could of been harsh but there is no boundary with us. Even after everything. He blinks. "I know,"

"Why?" He eyes flicker somewhere. "I thought I couldn't have done the distance."

"So you decide to block me?"

"You're not wearing the ring." He says. I realize we are sitting on the same beach he gave it to me at. This must be a slap to the face.

"I have it in New York. In my jewelry box."

"Why aren't you wearing?"

"Why didn't you go to Europe?" 

He laughs to himself. "You haven't changed much." I look at him the way I look at every guy with bullshit comments. Unimpressed. He sighs. "You go then I will." His eyes are tired. Exhausted even. Nothing like how they used to be.

"I stopped wearing it because I couldn't stand the constant reminder."

"I didn't go because I could barely leave my bed."

You, Me, and Us ////// Wannabe_lol_1212Where stories live. Discover now