Chapter Fourteen

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There is a certain buzz floating through out school. Everyone is excited and making plans with each other for this winter break. I used to never care about winter break but this year its different. I have Jonathan. I used to work all break except for Christmas and New Years and those days were spent alone in my room or in my car. I dont know what we are doing for Christmas. He said his dad isnt going to be home but his mom is. I told him my family doesn't usually do much. We give each other a couple gifts and then make a big dinner. New Years isn't much different. I know this year though Jonathan and I will for sure spend New Years together. "Hey!" He excitedly says to me making me turn away from my locker. "Why are you so happy?" I ask. "Only because this is going to be the best break yet." He tells me. I raise my eyebrows "Oh really? Why is that?" "Because we will be together." He hugs me tight making a couple freshmen stare. People still cant wrap their head around us being together and it has been almost 6 months.

He walks me to my last class of the day that sadly today we dont have together. "What are you doing tonight?" he asks before i walk into the class room. "I have to work till six. Why?" He holds my hands. Some days we can't stop touching each other. Today is one of those days. "Im going to take you on a date." I smile and raise a little on my feet. "Where?" He thinks about it for a minute. "Haven't decided on that part yet. What about dinner?" I laugh and agree.

Work was painfully slow today. I just wanted my shift to end so I can go on our date. Jonathan and I's relationship is amazing. I can honestly see myself marrying him and being with him forever. I never thought I would experience this so young but I know that I am. Although I have been a little scared. We have started applying to colleges and I dont know if we have applied to the same ones or not. Even if we dont apply to the same colleges I want us to be close together. I want to be with him but I am not to sure if I am willing to sacrifice my schooling. I have worked to hard, and I dont want him to do that either. Either way I push that to the side and focus on now. The present.


He texts me he is here and ready to go. I grab my jacket and run out the door. I yell out bye and greet Jonathan. I lean over giving him a quick kiss. "You look great." he tells me. I smile, "Where are we going?". A small smile appears on his face "Its a surprise." I shrug my shoulders and kick my feet up onto the dashboard.

Thirty minutes go by and we are downtown. Nobody knows this but I love downtown. I am a city girl and while we do live in a city, downtown is just perfect. It is fast, busy, and full of life. Best of all it is right by the beach so whenever I go down there I stop by because the beach is one of my favorite places. He parallel parks into a spot and looks at me unsure "Is this okay? It was kinda last minute but my mother recommend it." "Jonathan," I put my hand in his "This is perfect. I love it here." His shoulders relax and he smiles "Okay,"

We start walking down the avenue holding hands. There are many people around. Tonight I feel free and no worries, i haven't felt this in a long time. We first go to urban outfitters and shop around. There are multiple stores that we visit. I find a shirt that I like at Forever 21 that Jonathan buys for me. "You don't have to." I tell him. He moves me out of the way "I know, but I want to." The cashier smiles at us. I let go a little bit. "Thank you," He smiles "Anytime my love." My cheeks turn red. For dinner we go to a small pizza joint. We each got our own pizzas, mine with onion and olives. His with just pepperoni. Then he ask "Did you finish all of your college applications?" "Yeah, I think so. I might apply to a couple more for the hell of it. Where did you apply?" "I applied to UCLA, Brown, John Hopkins, NYU, a few others." I applied to only two of those, but I hope to go to NYU. "Where do you want to go?"

"Um, maybe Penn state. I am about to apply, but NYU would be good. Defiantly New York, Boston, that area." I smile a little bit. "NYU is where I want to go most. The counselor told me I should apply to Penn but, i haven't."  i said

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