Part 38

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Meanwhile, Bonnie was furiously going through the spellbook that she had from her grandma, watched by the impatient look of Damon, who was drinking his favourite bourbon so as to calm his nerves.
'This isn't too helpful,' Bonnie threw in and she gave him a hostile look.
'It helps me,' retorted Damon angrily.
'It doesn't help Elena.'
That persuaded Damon to put the glass away and sit next to Bonnie. 'OK, so tell me what we're looking for.'

'Anything connected with love. I'm sure that I can't reverse her feelings for Klaus. Even if such a spell existed, I wouldn't have enough power to do it. Love is the only thing stronger than magic - at least than my magic, for sure.'
'So?' Damon frowned.
'So, I can't erase her feelings for Klaus. But I can do something else.'
'Which is...?'
'I can make her head flood with memories of someone she already loved. Of all the nice moments she experienced with him. It will hit her with such power that she won't be able to fight it.'
'Excellent idea. And that person will be...'
'Stefan, of course,' Bonnie was surprised by his doubt.
'Yeah. Stefan. Sure.' Damon stood up and went to pour himself another drink. 'Do it, Bon Bon. If this is the only way...'
'The only one I can think of right now,' responded Bonnie.
Damon didn't like the fact that the only possibility how to rid Elena of her love for Klaus was to fill her with love for Stefan - it was a bit like out of the frying pan into the fire for him. But it was necessary to start acting, so to his bad luck, he had to grit his teeth and get over himself.
'I'll need candles, a personal item of Elena's and a few drops of blood of the person I want to force her to think of.'
'Hold on, I'll go get the coward,' said Damon.
'No need, the coward's here,' growled Stefan. 'I heard everything. Here you go, it's Elena's bracelet, she left it here once.' He handed it to Bonnie along with a couple of candles. Bonnie put them on the table in front of her, she focused on them for a while and in a second they were lit. 
'Now the blood,' she asked Stefan. He stung his finger with a blade of a knife and let a drop of his blood fall on each of the candles. The flames became higher.
Bonnie wrapped the bracelet around the candles in order to create a circle around them. She lifted her hands, closed her eyes and started reciting the spell. Damon and Stefan watched her, hoping it would work out.

Beauty and the Original - TVD Klaus/Elena FF (2015) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now