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"My head still hurts, but nothing ibuprofen can't fix." I rub my temples and go to stand up, but Vanoss stops me; his eyes almost pitch black.


"I still need to tell you our plan."

"Plan for what?"

"We're going to visit the chick that gave Lauren the address."

"Really? When?"


My jaw drops and I remove my gaze from Vanoss.

"I'm getting that damn ibuprofen then."

"Wait, but the plan-"

"It can wait. Jeesh, I bleed out of my eyes, my nose, and my ears and you think I'll be ready to fight off an evil witch?" Vanoss laughs at my comment, but it's not a genuine laugh; he's starting to get pissed.

"She's not a witch, she's the woman that took us in as children."

"So what are we, aliens?" I smirk, knowing it'll piss of Vanoss even more.

"Why the hell are you acting like this?"

"Like what?" I wait for the explosion.

"Like a fucking asshole, or should I be used to that?"

"No, I'm sorry-"

"We nearly fucked each other an hour and a half ago, and now I want to actually throw you out this window." Vanoss stands and faces me from the other side of the bed. His face is almost red, almost. His anger makes me want to crawl across the bed and do something with him I probably shouldn't be doing. As if Vanoss was reading my mind he says, "We don't have time, we need to get ready."

I chuckle, "You're acting like we're doing some kind of heist or something."

"Delirious", Vanoss's voice almost sounds like a painful whine, "we might need all this gear. Remember my vision?" I nod and regret all of my word choices from before.

"Now, get your ibuprofen and I'll get the boys and your gear."

"Wait, did we get our new gear?"

Vanoss slowly smiles, did I say it fucks me every time he does that? He turns around, leaving my question unanswered.


I needed to tell someone about what I saw, but would it be that bad if it got out that Vanoss and Delirious did the dirty upstairs on the living room couch. I was downstairs with Nogla getting ammo and weapons ready. How much could I trust Nogla though?

Like an angel from above Wildcat walks down into our little "gear/ammo" room. He's carrying a huge box, it must be the extra guns. How can he carry all that? I have no idea, might be a slight chance of superhero.

"Hey, Nogla can you go see if the other guys are ready?"

"Sure thing." Nogla jogs up the stairs. I tap Wildcat on the shoulder. He turns around, nearly towering over me, "What's up?"

"Can you keep a very deep secret?" My question casts a look of confusion on his face. "Depends on what the secret is." A smug look goes across his face.

"Well," I choke out "I saw a few markings on Vanoss's neck, after Moo and I found Delirious bleeding out."

"So when he was freezing time, he and Vanoss were...?"

"Having sex."

"Fucking hell." Wildcat rubs his face and laughs. I hope to whatever god or goddess above me he doesn't tell anyone.

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