Twenty Five

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"Happy Birthday Del!" My beautiful husband shouts at our now one-year-old son. "Blow out the candles!" I shout at Delphinium. He babbles and smacks his hands off of his highchair. "Come on!" He giggles at my pleading and gives me a toothless smile. "Daddy will help you blow it out, okay?" Evan questions the one-year-old. We decided to just keep our first names the same, but we decided on keeping my last name when we got married.

Del smacks his hands before Evan can blow the candle out. A sudden breeze comes through the dining room, blowing out the flame. Delphinium loses it, his giggles sound through the house. There's no window opened in the house. Nothing could cause that gigantic breeze. "Maybe he found his power," Miyo says from the other side of the table. Her blue eyes look at her little brother than at Evan and I. "Wanna play peek-a-boo Del?" She now stands beside her brother. He giggles and claps his hands. A breeze now lifts Miyo's long black hair. They both giggle at the wind. "So, he can control the wind?" Evan turns to me and asks. I smile at him, "I think so." I wrap my arms around him as we watch our children play with their powers. Miyo throws some water in the air and Delphinium tries making a tiny water sprout with his wind. The water falls, and the wind merely blows Del's dark brown hair around. The little bit he had anyway.


I kiss Miyo goodnight and tuck her in. Jonathan comes from Del's room. We walk past each other and high five. I walk into Del's room. His hands wiggle in the air toward his little animal mobile. He makes grabby hands toward it. I smile and spin it for him, he giggles as his different colored eyes watch it spin. I grab his tiny hand and a pain stretches in my head. I easily fall to the floor with the pastel yellow room turning black.

I see Moo with a group of children of all ages. He looks like he's in our old apartment building. He teaches the children about the history of people like us. All these children must have super powers, or can at least turn into an animal.

Outside Wildcat teaches a group of older kids how to switch into their different form. A few of the children attack a dummy as Wildcat watches.

In our old garage, Nogla teaches some children some melee combat, just in case turning into an animal isn't enough.

Lui is inside with a few kids teaching them how to sneak through our old living room, kitchen, and bathroom. If Lui catches them he tags them and they have to stand out. A child shouts about another child cheating because her animal form is a chameleon. As a ghost, I walk over to the couch. Even as a ghost in a vision I feel my heart break and tears start to form. This is where Delirious and I first kissed and fucked. We were both women though. I chuckle at the thought of how fucked up their lives were, and still sorta are, but it was all worth it. The vision suddenly turns bright white and I wake up in my bed.

Jonathan comes out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth, "How was the vision?" He mumbles the question through the foam of toothpaste in his mouth. I rush over to him and kiss him hard against the bathroom counter. I taste the mintiness of his toothpaste. He pulls away and smiles, "Was it a good vision?"

"Yeah. The boys switched our old apartment into a school for young superheroes."

"That's fucking amazing," Jonathan states in awe. "I also saw the place where we first kissed and fucked," I purr and drag my husband to our soft bed. Jonathan makes a cat noise, "I like this side of BatOwl," Jonathan mumbles under the blanket. He pulls me under the blankets with him. "Shh, we have to keep our other identities hidden."

"Yes, I know, like on the Incredibles."

I laugh and rub Jonathan's chest, "You're such a dork."

"But I'm your dork."

"You're the raccoon to my owl," I say with a soft smile, waiting for his response. He merely chuckles, "That doesn't make sense."

I kiss his soft lips and laugh, "Our lives don't make sense baby."

With that said Delirious and I had the night of our lives under the sheets.

We'd probably have to switch them out in the morning for clean ones.

Just like how our lives were switched.

I'd say it was a happy ending for BatOwl and Batcoon, and even their little baby.

What Happened Afterward

The other boys back in Los Santos actually opened up a school for the young children they found throughout the state. The motorcycle gang of Luke's help them as well.

Delphinium finally grew into the leather jacket Luke gave him. He's also going to a public school, along with his older sister Miyo. Delphinium plays a lot of wind instruments in the school band, let's just say he has enough air.

Miyo eventually found information on her parents and learned that she could work with fire. She also learned she could give special visions to people to calm them down, just like Luke. Another fact she figured out is that her last name is Patterson, just like Luke, because he is her uncle.

Jonathan has become the chief of the fire company in their township at North Yankton. Evan worries about him every day, but the man can slow down time, even pause it, to save multiple people from fire.

Evan and Jonathan have started a foster home for the superhero children in their area. Evan figured out he can have visions to see where one of the children are. The child stays with them until they either find great and trustful parents for them, or they go over to Los Santos with Moo and the other guys at the school.

Everyday grows happier with Batcoon and BatOwl.

Being switched has impacted them forever but in a good way.

The End 

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