chapter forty one

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so Yukhei and Winwin's ship name is dongcas. after donkatsu. and they made their own ship name so im hollering



"WinkDeep to join the KCON line up on LA-"

Daehwi changed the channel.

"Why'd you change the channel? I was listening to the news," Donghyun, who was busy stuffing whipped cream in his mouth for a while, complained to Daehwi.

"Stop stuffing your mouth with whipped cream you fucking fatass."

"Hey! I just miss getting to have a sugar rush every morning okay!" Donghyun grumbled.

It's already been a year since everything that happened. Daehwi managed to get to the US safely with his mom and Donghyun and so far, it's been okay. Things have calmed down, he got a new phone, and made a new Facebook account.. just with a new name this time.

"Eel Iwhead"

Yes. Yes he did spell his name backward. And it's totally not because he's copying Bae Jinyoung.. totally not. Daehwi prefers not to think about him. After a few months that the dating scandal has been out Jinyoung managed to become popular again. Daehwi sees him a lot when he watches the news. WinkDeep has even had their 1st concert already, if Jinyoung was still with Daehwi, he could already imagine how Jinyoung would gosh about how nervous he is performing his first ever concert.. that would've been nice. Daehwi slapped himself. No, stop it, Lee Daehwi. It's already been a year! You and Bae Jinyoung are so over! Why do you still think about him till now?! It's really been a struggle for Daehwi.

Everytime he saw his old red jacket Jinyoung gave him the memories kept flooding back, so now he just stuffed it underneath his bed, never to be worn again. One time he was folding his clothes and found the jacket and ended up sobbing. He was lucky both his mom and Donghyun weren't home that day. But it was almost as if he flooded the apartment that day with his tears. Daehwi's starting to think he has issues. He only knew Jinyoung for 5 months, why was it just so hard to get over him? Daehwi doesn't get himself. He's the only person out of everyone he knew in Korea who could be replaced in Daehwi's life but Daehwi doesn't see a replacement of Jinyoung anytime soon.

Well atleast he TRIED finding a replacement... even though it sounded wrong. Daehwi's currently enrolled in a new international high school and even met a few new friends. Though they were nothing like Dongmyeong, Seonho, Guanlin and Somi back home, they were pretty nice. And Daehwi notes that they were both girls. One was named Daniella and the other Justine. Which was weird, because, all it made Daehwi think of was Kang Daniel and Justin from back home.. he wonders how they're doing. Either way, the 2 girls were very nice to him, they were just a little.. overbearing at times.

It all started when Daehwi casually told them about his sexuality. He didn't want it to be that much of a big deal but he was 100% freaked out when they started screaming at his face.


"Wait, Justine, who's Ryan-"

"He sits next to you in Bio. He's bi, you know, I feel like you two would be totes adorbs together! Because he's so tall and you're like, tiny."

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