XXX. Deteriorating Minds

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"How's my little pet today?" He asked Jardin, one of his most trusted men. He had enlisted the older man's help for what he dubbed, 'the breakdown of Robb Stark'.

The initial phase of his plan, which was to install the seed of doubt and start dosing Robb with Basilik's blood, a favourite poison of his known to engulf those who ingest it regularly with madness.

Ramsay's next course of action was to show that others too believed that he had killed the King and Queen, which he tried to convey by commanding a garrison of his men to "find" Ike, and imprison him for treason, awaiting trial. This was successful, and now Robb was being held prisoner in the cells beneath the Twins.

Now for the next part, which would require some level of acting skill. Fortunately for him, Ramsay knew just how to get broken men to put their trust in him. Theon was an excellent example of that.

"He's fidgeting, pacing his cell, scratching his head. Those cups of water you've been sneaking in to give him seem to be doing something, and it's not hydrating," Jardin smirked as he spoke. It seemed to be a running trait in the Bolton men, a deceitfulness and complete lack of humanity.

"Perhaps he's thirsty again then, hm?" Ramsay curled his lips up in his signature smile, one that oozed with evil. He was clutching a cup in hand as he spoke with Jardin, who was tasked with manning the door to the cells.

Ever since that dreaded Fianna Bua had somehow managed to escape, Ramsay ensured that two guards were kept outside Robb's room at all times. They were still at the Twins, to Ramsay's contempt, so it was plausible that Fianna was waiting in the tree line for a chance to free her estranged husband any day. But he had taken measures to ensure she wouldn't have seen him alive either way, that no one would have. When arrested, a sack had been tugged over his head to prevent recognition. The only men who saw him in his cell were Bolton men, and Ramsay himself.

Ramsay rounded a corner and nodded with his head for the one of the guards to leave, unbeknownst to the cell occupant. Robb was led to believe that Ramsay came to him when one of the two guards was taking a small break from guarding him, and that the other who always remained was paid handsomely by Ramsay for allowing him to visit Ike.

Appearing at the cell, which had an open wall with bars striping it (since Fianna's escape, the closed off cells with doors were no longer allowed to be used). Needless to say, Walder Frey had been absolutely merciless with the words spoken of Fianna Bua after learning she killed his favourite daughter.

"Hello, Ike," Ramsay greeted in a low voice, faking a pitiful expression upon seeing the former King who once stood tall and mighty, cower in the corner with his head in his hands.

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