XXXII. Line to Succession

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Song: Where's My Love by SYML

Song: Where's My Love by SYML

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The amount of travelling ahead and behind Ramsay Bolton was enough to make his nostrils flare in annoyance. Having thus far travelled from the Twins back to the Dreadfort, he would then have to travel from the Dreadfort to Moat Cailin.

Needless to say, his ever-present anger was pushed to the limit today. Nothing that torturing Reek or playing with Ike's mind wouldn't fix, although.

His father had entrusted him with ridding Moat Cailin of the Iron Born, which presented a perfect opportunity to showcase how much of a benefit his breakdown of Theon Greyjoy's character would prove to be to their cause. Maybe then, his father would be less distrustful about leaving Robb Stark within his treatment. Or more appropriately named, mistreatment.

Unfortunately for him, Robb Stark was proving to be more of a difficult toy to bend than he thought. Even with the ingestion of basilisk blood, Robb continued to be weary of Ramsay. And when the poison did cause a haze to fill his mind, he still looked around with desperate eyes almost as if he thought Fianna was there with them.

It frustrated Ramsay even further because it showed that Robb still didn't believe Fianna was dead. Deep inside, he didn't believe it no matter what he said. It would be of no use to him, he'd need Robb to fully believe his old life was gone and fictional so he could become Ike.

After arriving, he casually strolled down the cold, slightly damp hallways of the Dreadfort, walls he was beginning to miss. Robb was at his side, two steps behind as a sign of respect. They twisted around the hallways until he finally reached a dilapidated and dark hallway in the furthest corner of the castle.

Opening a stray door, he gestured for Robb to look inside. The room was more fit for a prisoner than anyone, with a small slit in the wall for a window and a cold, eerie feeling to it. It contained one small bed. And it was where Robb would be sleeping for the next while.

"Sorry," he apologised falsely for the conditions of the room, "if I had given you one of our guest rooms, the servants would be suspicious."

Robb only nodded in response with a firm set to his jaw, he barely spoke to anyone. And when he did, it was short answers in a gruff voice.

Leaving him to it, Ramsay bit back a smile as he recalled that if Robb thought his conditions were bad, he wouldn't want to see that of his former best friend.



One hand settled on her massive belly, Fianna Stark sat at the table her own father once spent hours pouring over. Where the many men before her had tried to present plans for their respective ruling King or Warden in the North, here she was. The Queen in the North.

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