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Chapter 2: It's him

Something inside me clicked and my stomach went in full butterfly mode.
For no reason, I was kind of happy inside.

It took me just a second to figure out who it was. Although I knew who the person was, I was reluctant to accept it.

With my hands placed on the sides of my thighs and my long black hair slightly hovering, I turned back to make sure I was correct, but I ended up captivated by his glorious eyes.

I didn't want to admit it but to that moment, I had been crushing on him for the last twenty minutes and there he stood calm and preserved flashing his cute set of teeth. The more I studied his face, more the familiarity with his childhood face enhanced.

Brainwashed by his smile I almost forgot there were more people than just the two of us.

I gave him a quick smile and walked away briskly.


"So, how did the visit go?" mom questioned not looking at me, all focused on her dinner.

"It was good!"

"You know what, mom?! Everything's still the same. I was so surprised seeing that same old building as I pictured in my head! The owner must have spent lots of money maintaining that huge building!" I started blabbing in excitement.

And the usual family gossip started. That happened to be the best part of my everyday life, seeing them happy and getting to learn and understand each one of them better. It actually got us closer to each other with each passing day.


After helping mom and my sisters with the chores I jumped onto my bed.

I laid on my back, eyes staring blankly at the ceiling, my mind started wandering to 'the hall of memory' inside my head.

"What? No. You don't fall in love just like that in the blink of an eye, duh!" I was mentally arguing with myself.

I had always been secretly dating guys who didn't even know of my existence. The worst part was that the list included animated characters as well.

But this time it was an actual boy and not just any mere celebrity or animated character that I was thinking about.

Knocked over with feather I squeezed my eyes shut trying hard not to focus on him. It was hard for me not to. But I had to.

The starting session of 10th grade, hardly making it through Math. Instead of worrying about my grades, there I was thinking about a boy.

Okay, just leave it. Who the hell is going to do all the assignments?

I got up and sat on the edge of my bed eyeing the bunch of assignments that my mom managed to gather from my teachers. More than usual, probably because I joined school a little too late than the other kids.

Seeing the pile of papers I instantly knew, it was going to be a long night and I might end up crashing on my table drooling.


Typographical emphasis-

*Italics 👉 thoughts
*Normal👉 POV

A/N- Thank you for coming this far! I hope we'll meet again in the next chapter😊

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