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Chapter 15: NO WAY!



Kenaz wasn't seen the following day at the tuition classes after I had left him dripping wet in the rain. Nor did I get any sleep that night thinking about the reason behind his bruises. It was already Saturday night. Though it had been only a day, I was worried about his health.

"Maybe he is one of those patients my mom attends every night?" I turned to Angie, who was busy going through her phone.

I had told everything about Kenaz to Angie. Of course not about those gleaming eyes, cute set of teeth, and the mutual stares. But still, it took me every ounce of my energy to convince her that there wasn't a thing between us. We were just childhood friends.

Nothing more.

Nothing more.

"You say you don't have a thing for him and now here you are thinking about all the possibilities. He probably got run over by a truck and the driver cleaned all the mess before you came back," she said bluntly not even caring what she was spilling out.

I slapped slightly on her arm to get her attention.

"Why didn't you just ask him then?" She looked at me with furrowed brows.

I wanted to. But the look in his eyes, that was what stopped me. He seemed to be fighting some kind of inner battle. Nervousness was all that I saw. I knew he would try to lie to me and I wasn't ready to hear him lying about those bruises. He can act strong and fearless but his eyes won't ever lie to me. And if I started spilling out those things to Angie, she would probably start talking shit about soulmates and all.

"I just—" I was cut short by the ring on my phone.

"We are here. Are you both ready?" It was Liu on the other side of the phone call.

"Yeah. Just wait a moment." I hung up saying those words. Angie and I got up of the bed and ran downstairs.

"You girls ready to go?" Dad stood up from the couch and walked towards the door to open it for us.

"Yes, Mr Landler" Angie gently smiled.

"Bye, dad!" I half hugged dad in hurry and went out dragging Angie alongside, before dad could start any of his lectures.

"Be home by eight!" Dad reminded me of the deadline from behind.

I just smiled and waved at him before I got into Jordan's car with Liu and Angie.


As the cool breeze caressed my cheeks  I tucked my jacket tight and crossed my arms around myself. It was a pretty good place for a movie. There were many youngsters just like us. There were a bunch of guys right on the corner and lots of couples scattered here and there.

The perfect weather of Merrihollow was what we got to experience today. No heat wave, no sweat, no nothing like the typical summers in most of the countries. It was the kind of weather where you can wear any outfit. A summer- spring outfit or a winter outfit, you won't disappoint the weather nor the weather would disappoint you.

Jordan, being a gentleman decided to get the tickets for all of us and stood in the long queue. That was a sweet gesture. Though he looked frustrated by the long line, he didn't complain. But just repeatedly ran his fingers over his hair and changed his position often.

My attention turned over to Liu, who was busy taking selfies, and Angie was busy scanning the whole area for handsome hunks, she even got me involved in that task.

"There! There! There!" Angie jumped in excitement gesturing her eyes towards a group of guys.

Some of them were sitting on their bikes facing us and some of them were standing. The tallest of them all had his back facing towards us. It was the one Angie was gesturing to.

"You see that guy over there?" Angie lowered her voice.

"Isn't that your Mr Badass?" Liu interrupted with a confused look, tilting her head to the left.

I glanced at Angie, trying to read her face. She nodded in response. The wide smile told everything! It was indeed him.

I was now halfway to find out that mysterious guy's identity! Something that I wasn't interested to know the whole time Angie blabbed about him.

He turned back to meet someone who just happened to tap on his shoulder from the back. My mouth drooped to the ground seeing the familiar face. It didn't even take me a second to recognize that familiar facial features.

"Arthur!" I whispered underneath my breath.

"You know him?" Angie looked at me with excitement. All the air inside my lungs had been whipped out and there she was, excited about the fact that I knew him.

"I did," my words came out to surprise both Angie and Liu. I was even surprised by myself that I knew that so-called Mr Badass all that time.

"Mr Badass isn't the kind of person I thought he was. Rumours have it that he sleeps with different girls each day. I also heard that he do drugs and once he punched a girl right in her face."

Angie's words bounced on my skull. I tried my best to comprehend. And the worst thing happened! He locked his eyes with mine.

"No way," I heard myself saying.


Thank you so much, guys!! 2k reads! Wow!! I am so excited for the rest of the journey. I hope it'll be as amazing as it is till now❤

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Until next time, take care!

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