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Chapter 5: Morning Star

I was lying on my bed flat on my stomach in my PJ'S.

"Good morning, sweetheart," someone whispered in my ear.

I sensed the beam of sunlight that peeked into my room through the curtains.

My unaesthetic morning face was something that could ruin your whole day. As they say "Morning shows the day".

I squeezed my eyes tight not wanting to face the sunlight that hit on my fore side.

"Get up! It's time," my mom raised her voice and walked out saying those words.

Now, that's a warning. I have to get up no matter what or I'll have to face the consequences.

Still with my left eye squeezed. I opened my right eye. And slowly loosened my left squeezed eye. In a matter of seconds, my eyes were wide awake. I stretched my arms above my head yawning.
I got up and sat on my bed holding on to my legs with my face rested in between my knees. I looked at the window, softly curtained with white laced curtains that shut out the drizzling M.K. road.

It was drizzling outside. I was glad it wasn't raining heavily.

Because we were at the end of monsoon season and it was this time of the year we usually get the highest rainfall, I was afraid it might rain heavily again; sooner or later.

I was enjoying this whole week without any rainfall.

Not that I didn't like rain! I liked it but not when I had to face it every day, every week; dusk till dawn.

Hopefully, the weather was good today but there was a tiny little problem!

I won't be able to meet up with Kenaz.

I was in 'Gilmore high', M.K. road, 20 minutes walking distance from my home. And he was in 'Thadeus high', sweetpea lake, an hour walking distance from my home.

There was no way we would ever bump into each other on the way to school. And it was Tuesday so, no extra maths tuition class. It was an alternate day schedule.

"I have to get ready for school before mom comes up," I muttered sighing.

I got up. Brushed my teeth, took a bath, put on my trousers and jumper, ran downstairs in haste.

"My bag?!" I left my bag in my room I realized.

Went back to my room again to grab my school bag.

It was lying on my table.

"Even my backpack's not interested to see Mrs Moore today," I chuckled and grabbed my bag by the sling without checking the content. I marched out of my house without any breakfast, hoping to see a rainbow on my way.

At least a rainbow will make my day.

While on my way to school something revived on my mind.

"I have to think of a way to get into the physics tuition class with Kenaz!"

Since I was good on this subject my parents surely wouldn't agree with me taking up the extra class so easily.

I've to convince them somehow.

Thankfully, I wasn't late for school. I arrived earlier than my usual time!

"Today I reached school sooner than never," I exhaled inclining my head at the waist.

"Good Morning, Miss!" my ears suddenly sensitive to that voice.


A/N- Thank you for coming this far! I hope we'll meet again in the next chapter😊

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