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The deafening silence pierced through my skin making my hands and fingers glitch unconsciously. But Arthur seemed all settled and comfortable as he held the steering tight with his veiny arms. His face bloomed with the seriousness which became even more darker when I saw his eyebrow scar. The scar made me fidget constantly. I bet he didn't even notice that.

"I got this scar in a competition." He pointed his right index to the scar as he flashed a smile to me.

Guess he noticed.

"What kind of competition?" I darted my eyes at him.

"Don't look at me like that!" He chuckled.

"Swimming?" I questioned. I heard Angie talking about his swimming skills a few days back so...

"Yeah. How did you know?" he took a quick glance at me and then back straight to the road.

"Just some facts about you that I heard." I looked out of the window.

It was dark outside and without any rush. The lampposts had filled the streets with light. It seemed quiet as we went past the trees along the street.

The sight of the open street and sparkling lampposts reminded me of someone. Someone I had been missing all day long. All that happened during that walk replayed in my mind and I zoned out.

"We are here!" Arthur exclaimed as he pulled over to the side. I snapped out hearing his voice.

When I tried to move out of the car he gestured me to stay inside. I did as he told me to.

He quickly got out of the car and moved over to my side to open the door for me.


"Just like a true gentleman," I remarked and we shared a smiled.

"Just like a gentleman," he repeated my words bowing to me.

I broke the silence with my tenuous giggle earning rather like a snorting chuckle from him.

The place was quiet and cold. Not freezing cold but cold enough to make me tuck my jacket around me. It must have been the outskirts of town. The street lights were working fine so I could make out it was some sort of a park that people no longer visited.

There was a board on the gate that read, "No Trespassing. Private property."

He caught me staring at the board. "That's my property so, don't worry." He grinned as he took out a bunch of keys from his pocket.

He unlocked the gate that was chained in a messy way. He had been here before, I could tell from the way he was taking off the tangled chain off, just like a pro.

"Come on!" He reached out for my hand, while I stood there hesitant. This was something I never did.

"My hand won't bite you neither will I," he narrowed his eyes at me.

I placed my hand on his and he gripped it tight. He led me through the footpath filled with bushes on the sides. There was this funny smell of wild plants that filled the whole atmosphere there. But nothing seemed to have bothered Arthur.

If it wasn't for the street lights inside the park we would've bumped into the hedge plant. He let go of my hand and stepped ahead of me. He parted the lush green hedge plant that seemed to have grown out of shape, evident that the park was no longer taken care of. He reached out to my hand and I pushed myself out of the greenery.

I was expecting complete darkness, instead, there was a quick flicker and crackle of light, too fast for my eyes to catch. I watched its erratic path, curiosity engrossed inside me. Like an untold unnamed adventure was there waiting for me I traced my eyes along the soft gleam of light.

It was like the sky had fallen down covered with a blanket of tiny sparks. I need to admit I was a little scared seeing the deserted place but now all my hesitation burned away.

Arthur held my hand and led me toward the bridge. It was an old wooden bridge built over a small stream which was now covered with wild plants. The plants had almost clogged the stream.

Those tiny little fireflies danced in a heady swarm of light above the stream. Arthur helped me settle on the edge of the bridge and he made himself comfortable beside me after a while. The silence was never so peaceful and enjoyable. I had almost forgotten about everything.

"You liked it?" he was all smiles.

I nodded in response swinging my feet in the air, mesmerising the fireflies that seemed like they were carried in unfelt currents.

"This is the other reason why I started loving darkness. Without darkness, how can you enjoy the fireflies?" he rested both his palms back, on the wooden platform, to support his body.

I tilted my head to the right eager to know the other reason but he never gave me the opportunity to ask him.

"You see that? I am gonna catch one for ya!" He got up and brushed off the dirt on his pants.

He really didn't want to talk about it.

I sat there quietly, watching him folding his pants up on his calves, getting ready to get into the water. He splashed and thumped on the water with his feet. Seeing his attempts to catch those fireflies was quite an amusing sight.

We just spend the whole time laughing and giggling until he finally caught two fireflies for me.

He covered it with his both palms and handed me over. I did the same but I decided to release those beautiful creatures.

He looked at me; his face painted with disbelieve. And why wouldn't he be? I just let go free his entire forty minutes hard work.

"You are unbelievable." He muttered as he fixed his clothes and checked his phone.

He pulled himself up with just his arms and the next second he was standing on the bridge.

Wow! Just with his upper body strength?

"It's almost eight. I bet you don't wanna be late? Let's go!" He helped me get up on my feet.


"Thanks, that was great!" I uttered as soon as I reached home.

"My pleasure young lady," he bowed his head causing me to giggle. Arthur got out of the car and opened the door for me.

He walked alongside me all the way.
"You seem to have really settled yourself in this new environment. You've even got some new friends! Did you meet any of your old friends?" he asked as he fiddled with his keys.

"Yeah, I met Kenaz a few days back. I even met Martha on my first day in this town," I replied tossing around pebbles along my way.

"Kenaz?" he spat venom. I stopped at once and turned to him.

"I better get going. You've reached your doorstep. Good night." He walked away without giving me a chance to speak.


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Until next time, take care!

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