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I wasn't planning on writing this one, but I thought it would sound good seeing the story in Kenaz's point of view. I hope you'll enjoy this part!





"Damn! You and your mother, mate. Don't pamper me so much!" I muttered as I got into the car with Damien, my butler and Tanya's son.

"You should have a good look at your face, bro. It's messed up," he shrieked in response.

I rubbed the rearview mirror with my bare hands and took a good look at my face. It sure did look bad. Bruises everywhere, especially on the right, where I received two punches straight last night. But I was cocky enough to disagree with Damien.

"As handsome as always, just with more reflection of my manliness," I muttered boastfully.
Damien rolled his eyes and started the engine. We drove out of the hospital, which in the first place wasn't necessary to visit, thanks to Tanya and her emotional pleads.

While I was busy hearing the mockery of Damien about me, something caught my eye. It was the large blue umbrella. I knew instantly who it was so, I asked Damien to pullover.

"Don't tell me that's your Miss," he narrowed his eyes at me.

I smiled in response.

"You can't even tell. I can only see a large blue umbrella and hardly a pair of legs sneaking out of it," he muttered, surprised by my confidence.

I knew it was her. I had seen that umbrella a couple of times. It was like a mystery to me, why a tiny petite body like hers needed such a huge umbrella that could even accommodate a family of four.

Seeing her walk alone leisurely I couldn't stop myself. I moved my body to open the door.

"Now, please don't tell me you're going after her in the rain, lover boy!" Damien chuckled in amusement.

"Yes, I am," I chortled.

"Take this with you." He handed me an umbrella.

Like really, Damien?

I refused to take it. I never needed one, not even today.

"Just wait for me five yards away from her home." I winked at him and got out of the car.

Not kidding! It was raining heavily. The raindrops were the size of a peanut. At least that was what I could tell to make it sound as heavy it was.

I ran towards her and got to the back of her umbrella, ducking my head. I placed my hands on her navy blue backpack.

She was startled. And just as she turned around to face me, her umbrella took very good care of my hair and trust me it did hurt a lot. More than those punches I'd say.

She flinched. I didn't wait for her reaction and just grabbed the umbrella from her hand and lifted it high above her head.

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