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Chapter 9: The seed of embarrassment


Mariah's POV

Waves of heat radiated from my face while the seed of embarrassment percolated deep inside my memory to the 'Hall of shame.'

It was time! Time to leave the town, trash my identity and start fresh somewhere alien to me.

FYI blushing never helped me to look cute! But to look like a damn tomato, I can picture that.The kind of tomato that's been basked in the sun. And as if that wasn't enough, my awkwardly awkward body had to show off the extent of awkwardness it can pull off.

I wished I had wings or some kind of superpower that could lift me up the sky with just one thump of my feet.

But sadly there was no escape for that embarrassment.

I have to deal with it whenever it pops up!

Panting heavily I went on walking through the crowded hallway to the class.


After four continuous periods each of forty minutes, my brain was drained and all those embarrassments washed off.

I mean, when you are tangled in the tan, cos, sine etc. there's nothing more intriguing and time-consuming than Math! For the first time in my sixteen and a few months existence, I loved Math.

Tired and exhausted I rested my cheek on the desk trying to get some rest. While my friends - Liu who sat next to me and Jordan and Angie who were just behind us - started their daily gossips.

Since I was busy trying to take a quick nap and regain my focus I didn't really care what they were gossiping about. Angie was talking about some Mr Badass and how cool he was but most of it didn't reach my ear.

Sounds like a drug mafia 'Mr. Badass!'


Before I could realize the thirty-minute break ended too soon. And I was not yet ready for another four long periods full of torture.

I was still sitting with my face rubbed against the smooth-cold surface of the desk but I managed to change sides. The class as always was filled with laughter, gossips and arguments, no doubt why every teacher hated this class!

Our classroom was no less than a bouquet of different flowers. There was the tight-knit community of backbenchers no less than savages-always having fun, the daydreamers- either daydreaming or doodling on the desk - which included my friend Angie, the average goofy ones which included me, Jordan and Liu, and lastly the front benchers who were infrequently visited by the less academic students on vehement insistence of the teacher. Every classroom had these bunch of maniacs, I guess.

"Hey," Liu poked me on my sides causing me to jump a little.

"What is it?!" I turned to her annoyed.

"Who was that tall guy you were talking to this morning?" she gave me an evil smirk and her eyebrows raised questioning me.

"A friend of mine from elementary," I replied her casually, trying to give her the idea that it was no big deal.

But it was. Or am I just overthinking someone's human decency?

"I couldn't see his face but he seemed familiar" Liu added with a deep thought.

"You know every single person of this town, Liu. No one can escape your sight," I mocked her.

Before Liu could've said anything further, the class started and the loud boisterous environment was unexpectedly calm by now. The teacher for sure had some magic being able to control a class full of barking maniacs. Not that I was a unique piece!


I was exhausted and hungry by the time I reached home. Baked in the sun for twenty minutes.

"Mom, I am back," I exclaimed opening the door.

The moment I flung the door wide open my jaw dropped. Suddenly my eyes that were sunken and paler than I had been in the morning brightened up and glittered with tears.


What do you think might have happened? A twist in Mariah's life?

Let me know what you guys think!

A/N- Thank you for coming this far! Don't forget to vote and share. I'd appreciate it. Keep showering Mariah and Kenaz with your love and support.

** Just wanted to let you know I edited chapter one, two, four and seven as well. Check it out if you want to. I did some major changes that you guys don't wanna miss!

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