A Story Told

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Lainey Beru has been locked up in her room for one month, doing nothing but replaying the night her mother died. She's forced to take pills since that night traumatized her so much. Her father makes her go out so she goes to the two places she loves. An accident leads her to know her best friends, a group of guys. With all this happening, pictures of her mother's untold past start to surface.

But she can't get two guys out of her head. Harry and Zayn. And what will happen when she gets to know them and their past a little to well?

"Most people are lucky they've found one love, but you have found two."

Magnus Bane

from the series of,

'The Mortal Instruments'

Who likes the cover? I hope everyone does! :) Raise your hand if you do. *raises hand and looks around to see no one else doing it* lol

By: Covers_For_the_Year

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