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I quickly walk down the brick steps of the library. My legs keep moving but I don't know where I'm going. I just know where I'm going. I just know I have to get further away from him.

I know I owe him am explanation for leaving him alone and not wanting to hang out any more; I'll give him one. Just not now. I don't know when, but I will. He just can't know that there are people watching me. I don't even know who. If I keep hanging out with him, they'd eventually use him against me or something.

I don't want that. Harry can't get wrapped up in all of this. This is starting to become very dangerous. Heck, this was dangerous from the very beginning!

It's not a very good reason why I'm pushing him away, but Harry is starting to make me feel things... and that scares me. I guess that's another reason why I have to stay away from him.

I bring my hand up and wipe my tears. It's no use because they just keep coming. I give up in trying to get rid of them and look up. I'm close to the museum. It's only a few feet away. I end up walking up the steps and inside.

People give me wierd looks as I walk in. I think of how I look: a girl with her camera on her neck crying and dragging her skirt along the floor. I ignore th and continue walking. I nod towards Ms. Simean and she gives me a concerned look. I keep walking towards the left hall and step into the small room that is my mother's.


Mom and I are sitting on the couch in my escape room, looking at recent photos that I had taken. We hear the doorbell and I end up getting it. I open the door then see the postman smiling.

"Willow Beru?" he asks.

"That would be my mom, yes."

He nods and hands me a sealed envelope with a red seal on it like they used way back in the 1900's. I walk back to my escape room and hand it to my mom. I curiously watch as she opens it then scans it with her eyes. They widen and she screams.

"What?" I ask frantically.

"Here, let me just read it to you. Dear Mrs.Beru, we are pleased to say that we would like some of your original photographs in our art gallery. We would truly love to have a few of your pieces in our museum. If you accept, please meet us at the location given below Saturday. Yours Truly, Administrators of the Photography Museum."

I squeal and tackle my mom in a hug.

"That's amazing! Congratulations!"

We celebrate by going out for dinner with dad and go shopping. We knew this was the begging of Mom's career.

*Flashback Ends*

The next day we had lunch and were happy to hear that they wanted three photos.

I come here to think. And to talk to her. Last week I was here, but I didn't get the chance to talk. Zayn had bumped into me. Zayn! I haven't seen or heard of him since... since he caught me when I was about to smack my face to the mat.

I look up at her first one. It's of all of her vintage cameras. They were her first ones but she loves them.

Just like Harry.

What? No, what does that even mean? It came from my head but I don't even know what it means.

"Mother, what am I thinking?" I ask as I put my head in my hands. I'm so confused and I have no one to talk to. If I go to Natalie, she'll tell me that it's nothing and we should do something, like she always does. She's busy too; she's been hanging out with Liam.

"I wish you were here to help me," I sniffle.

"I'm here and I can help you."

I turn around at the sound of the voice. To my surprise, Zayn is standing there.

He comes to sit beside me on the small bench. He stares at the vintage picture in front of us. I wait until he says something. Anything.

"I don't know what you need help with, but I'm here if no one else is. I... I want to help," he finally says.

The air between us is thick and uncomfortable. I just can't stop thinking about what almost happened between us.

What did happen? Was even something? Does he even remember or care?

"But if you do not want to tell me-"

"I think someone's following me."

I stare at him as his eyes soften and their brown look into my green ones. He reaches out and touches my hand. He nods. I take a shakey breath and spill out everything that has been stuck inside of me.

A long time it has been, heh? :) I'm sorry. I didn't have my phone this week. Promise update next week! Maybe 5 votes? It would mean a lot to me. Comments! I love them.

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