Knockout x reader x BreakDown

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Requested by CricketLuver. So both Knockout and Breakdown are humans after a apocalypse happened and Matrix turned them to humans. It'll explain it's self.

Time: post-apocalypse Y/N POV

"GET BACK HERE MATRIX LOST!!!" Breakdown yelled, primus he's hot. The little guardian moved through the overgrown forest, running to keep her pitiful life. She got to a clearing that's when we trapped her. Every bot and con ever surrounded her, she Looked around her. Her heart beating fast her body glowing with her heart beat. She looked to the skies for an escape but Nightmare and Athena got that covered. Her brother, Trico, carried her axe ready to kill her. "Trico stop, you know this is wrong! I feel down in your soul you know this is wrong!" She yelled trying to get Trico on her side. "I'm  sorry your the one who turn this world to shit. YOU MADE THIS PLANET LIKE THIS!!!" Trico yelled. He hit her over and over. Blood covered him.

"Is this how I really go out? By someone I once called my brother? You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Those where her last words. The world went white, when it cleared, something wasn't right, I was... Human!! I looked around me. Everyone was human, even the guardians. "MATRIX, WHERE ARE YOU?!?" someone yelled in the distant. We all gathered around her lifeless body putting flowers around her. A human femme ran near us. "Oh my god! Matrix." The human pushed us to get to the lifeless guardian. "Matrix I'm so sorry, and don't worry I'll take care of pineapples." "Ah thank you. Oh and fuck you Trico!" She said. Her body turned to flower pedals. Her ghost floated around a falcon and then it formed to her nighmare, pineapples.(Pineapples is the name of Matrix's fear and nightmare. But Pineapples fell in love with her, and she wished to be real and May heard that and poof real.)

After a quick explaintion about this human she guided us back her house Matrix's ghost at her side laughing along with pine. We washed up and put into rooms with people we were most compatible. Mine where Knockout and Breakdown, They where both sexy. I laid down and closed my eyes. A little later I felt arms around me I felt exposed, like I had no clothing. I felt something slip into my aft. The one in front lifted my leg slightly and he slid into my port. A moan slipped out of my vocals, I heard a chuckle. "Sounds like someone's awake." I heard knockout in front of me. They started to move in and out of me, I heard the slick noises of them moving in and out of me. "I think she is." Breakdown said. Then breakdown slid out completely I  moaned in frustration and I was moved on top of knockout and Breakdown slammed back into me.

They continue to moved slowly I moaned at the friction produced. I slowly got impatient of the pace. "P-please go faster." I was greatly rewarded by Them slamming into me soon I came on knockout, which triggered his own organism. And he came into me. He slid out and laid there panting my arms gave out and I laid on knockout's chest. Breakdown went into my port and started to slam into me, I became so vocal I thought I heard someone get up. I came once again and so did breakdown. We became a panting mess. At least i was with my new lovers.

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