Sunstreaker X Human!Reader X Sideswipe

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This was requested by FNAFToyChica this person is awesome! to be honest I was waiting for someone to request this. btw I will use cybertronian terms instead of human terms because it feels better for me to do that. 

I waited for the twins to finish messing around and getting yelled at by Ratchet. They've always gotten into trouble, I think their existence annoys him. "Heh sorry ratch, no more messing around with bombs anymore." Sides said, Ratchet just glared and went back to his work. "Sunny Sides what's up?" I asked "Well me and sides got blown up by Matrix... Again." Sunny said "And Ratchet won't believe us anymore." sides said "That's tough guys" I replied

"Eh it's fine only you, Jazz, Bee, and Creature would understand," Sunny said.

"AHHHH GET THE FUCK OFF ME MATRIX!!!" Creature screamed, Matrix was on a crazy love spree and Creature didn't want any of it. "Ugh, Matrix is so fraggin desperate to get with her." Sides said. Matrix was flung across the base and hit the wall, 

"Hey Twins cover me," Creature said running behind them and putting on her elemental armor. "NOW!!" She yelled, Sides and sunny moved to the sides and creature lunged and Matrix's throat. I was swooped up by the twins and taken to their room. 

"Hey what's the big idea?" I yelled at them. "It's safer if you stay out of their way." Sunny said

Sides stood at the door watching for them and sunny on their bed, I was on the shelf that they made a make shift bed for me. 

"They should be done soon. hopefully." said Sideswipe with a worried tone. 

"Do you know how long the last fight lasted?" Sunstreaker started. "That fight lasted the whole night! You know it's the last one standing!" Sunny finished.

1 Hour later. 

The fighting continued and everyone was in their rooms to avoid the havoc that was caused. "Man I wonder if Matrix is ok," Sunny said, "Yeah,"

"Then why where you helping Creature if you dislike her?" Y/N asked. 

"She promises that she'll take care of our nightmares, Which she has, it's just, She's rude!" Sides said. 

"I can't believe we had a crush on her!" Sunny said "Do you have a crush on anyone else?" Y/N asked. 

"Yes." Both of them said in unison. "Well who is it?" Y/N asked, they both looked at each other, "It's you" again in unison, Y/N blushed because you had a major crush on them as well. "I kinda have a crush on you two, too" 

They took you off the shelf  and placed you on their berth. They shrunk into their bidical (Don't know if I spelled that correctly) And got on to meet you. Sides rushed up and kissed you. Sunny soon tried to put Sides off and kiss you he was successful.

Sides took off your clothing while you were making out with sunny. He started to play with your breast and gently pulling on your nubs, causing you to moan. Then he pushed sunny out of the way and sunny growled. Sides didn't care he started to suck on one of your nubs and Sunny took the other. You were moaning like crazy and you didn't want them to stop. Sides got up and started to play with your port. 

After awhile your back was on sunny's chassis and Sides was on top of you, they slowly push into you. They waited almost impatient until you adjusted, you nodded and they started at a fast and demanding pace. when one went in the other went out, you could feel a knot in your lower region. It kept getting worse and worse until it finally ruptured. All three of you came at the same time.  


The three of you walked out of their room happy and satisfied. You walked into the main room and saw Creature still beating the shit out of Matrix. "KNOW WHO YOUR ALPHA IS! AND DON'T TRY TO FLIRT WITH ME AGAIN!" Creature growled, Creature had Matrix's face to the ground, They were both covered in blood and wounds.

Creature limped off to the medic bay while Matrix got her gun, but it was no use, she had won.

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