Optronix x Arcee

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It was a usual day for the Autobots, trying to take over the world. Everyone was busy not one relaxed. Arcee working the hardest, she tried to work harder than the mechs to prove she's not worthless. Of course that would be harder due to the fact that her leg strut was damaged after a battle. She was base bound, even though she tried to sneak out of the base to try to get some fresh air someone would always stop her.

"Arcee stop trying to get outside you need to recover, you shouldnt even be working!" Optronix yelled at her.

"S-sorry sir." Arcee said her helm lowered in shame

"Why are you trying to get out anyways?" He asked

"To get some air, the base is stuffy and even if it is a klik please let me out." Arcee pleaded she wouldnt normally beg, but she needed to get outside.

"Fine but under my supervision," he said gruffly. He moved out the way for Arcee. Arcee limped out of the base. She looked out at the sunsetting sky, she was grabbed around the waist and hoisted up.

"Wait... Wha-ah" Optronix jumped up the rock to get to the top. They were 2/3's the way up there. Optronix positioned his pedes again and jumped the rest of the way. At the top he let go of Arcee.

"Thank... You." She said she got down with her legs hanging off the ledge. Optronix sat next to her. She looked at him, his optics half lidded and his audials laid back. He was relaxed, he looked at Arcee when she stared at him alittle to long.


"Sorry but I never see you relax before. Its kinda fascinating."  She said

"Hmmm" the two sat there for hours Arcee enjoyed her time outside until Optronix pulled her helm closer to his. He looked into her red optics and hers looking into his purple ones. He let go of her helm, snapped back his mouthguard and kissed her.

"Mmfp- ah mmm" Arcee moaned into Optronix's mouth. He took the chance to explore her mouth cavity.

~Optronix! Smokescreen is trying to blow up the fraggin base again~ the psychotic medic radioed. Even he sounded pissed. Optronix growled and pushed off the edge leaving Arcee on top. He left her, she sat there and waited until someone got her. But no one did so she decided to climb down the rock, her pedes slipped every couple of steps. Once she was down she walked into the base where Optronix was holding Smokescreen against the floor.

"And don't ever question me again, now Bumblebee take him to Ratchet." The silent mech, who didn't have a problem with Arcee, pick smokescreen by the shoulder and dragged him off.

"A-Arcee? How did you get off the ledge?" He asked

"I climbed off, I slipped two or three times." He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her off to his berthroom. He threw her against the wall.

"Look Arcee believe it or not I care for the team, you climbing off the ledge is enough."

"Well you were gone a long time so I though it be fine plus none of the others like me except bee... And I guess you."

"Fine whatever, on to other matters I know for a fact that your heat cycle starts tomorrow so you'll get the day off. Got it?"

"Yes sir." Arcee was let go and she limped off to her room and laid down since it was the end of the day.

The next day arcee woke up but didn't feel the heat she'd normally experienced. She got up and self check her systems her datapad was clear. She walked out to the main area and looked for Optronix, but he wasn't there.

"Hey bee where our master?"

"Mission... He'll be back soon. Why are you out of your room?"

"That's why i wanted to talk to our leader. when he gets back can you tell him I need to talk." She said she turn and limped off to her room. She sat at her berth wondering what's wrong. She heard a knock at her door, she walked to the door and was greeted by Optronix.

"Whats the matter?" He said rather gruffly.

"I'm not in heat, I dont know what's wrong!" She said. Optronix looked at her and then grabbed dragging her to Ratchet. After what was explained Ratchet thought of two things.

"Either one her injury is prohibiting her or she is no longer of value. But either way she is worthless." Ratchet walked off. Optronix stared at her his optics narrowing. Arcee felt fear spread through her frame. He picked her up and dashed to his room. He tossed her on the bed and jumped on her. She had no time to react.

"Your not worthless." He whispered. He ripped of Arcee's armor and played with her breast. Arcee whimpered as arched her back.

"Oh Optronix!" She moaned

"That's right moan for me." He said, he knew that her injury prohibit her from going into heat. He just wanted to love her again. He played with her array causing her to moan even louder. He retracted his mask and sucked on some of her neck cables leaving marks. Arcee couldn't take it and her array opened. Begging to be played with.

"What about the other thing Arcee?" Optronix purred into her audials.

"I need more please!"

"Then-" "YES!!" He grinned and pushed his sharp digits in and wiggled them around

"Yes yes yes!!" He continued to play with her port, he teased her until her other array opened. Revealing her spike.

"There we go." He immediately pulled his digits and slammed his spike in, he used the same servo to rub Arcee's spike. She was powerless against Optronix, her breast bounced with every thrust. Optronix used his other servo to grab one of her breast. The sensations were overwhelming for her to keep up with.  She overloaded very quickly, But her lover keep pounding into her. She knew it was going to be a long lustf night.

In the morning Arcee woke up to Optronix sleeping next to her, she turned over to face him. His breathing deep, and his mask was off and his optics closed. The scar over his eye reminded Arcee what happened. She pushed herself closer and kissed him. He woke up and kissed back.

"Good morning love," he said. They laughed for a bit remembering back on Cybertron. Arcee felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Making her curled up in pain. Optronix immediately rushed her to Ratchet.


"She's sparked." he said gruffly. He turned to her and walked towards until he was stopped

"If you touch her or go near her i will personally rip your spark out." Optronix said psychoticly

The other bots stayed away expect for bee and Optronix. They would protect her and her sparkling.

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