10 hours, 20 left to go

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All I have left are 20 hours left. Riley thought to themselves. 20 left until the police are sent on my ass!

They were driving a stolen Ram Pick-up truck, hauling ass to Florida all the way from Arkansas. The first car they stole, a black Chevy camaro, was left in Alabama. How they managed to get away with either was beyond them. All the while, they never stopped. Of course, however, they would need to replace the car when it ran out of gas.

The low fuel alarm started to go off.

"Dammit," they whispered softly, "dammit, dammit, ooooohhh fuuuuuucking daaammmiiit!"

They started looking for somewhere to 1) find out where they were at, and 2) to find another car to steal.

They checked the time. 19 more hours.  They started to think. After those 19, they'll start looking for me in a different car, unless, of course, I stole a car from a hospital! With that, they started looking for the signs to go to the nearest hospital.

Later at a hospital

They parked at the hospital. It appeared they were in Atlanta, Georgia. They were scolding themselves now because they stole the Ram from a used car dealership.

I should probably get one that has started to rust and is an older model. Makes it less noticable than if I take an older model.

They started looking for an old vehicle. They didn't take long to find a slightly rusted Ford Thunderbird. Sure, it wasn't the best thing, but what other choice did they have? They got in and hot-wired the vehicle. They only had so much longer until the police caught wind of what was going on. They checked the fuel on the Thunderbird. It was mostly full. It would have to do. They didn't have that long to get to Florida, anyways. They got their sticky-note pad and pencil from their pocket. They looked at the time, wrote down the remaining time on it, and placed it on the Ram Pick-up.

19 hours 

They Were Destined For Something ElseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora