Helping the Shield

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WARNIG: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE MENT! when you see a ***, be sure to skip over this paragraph.

Rissa sat on the bed. Castiel, Dean, Sam, and Gabriel were outside the door discussing.

"Dean, for the last time," Castiel started, "Gabriel and I can not affect the shield with any kind of healing."

"Not even memory?" Dean asked in disbelief, "Are you sure?"

"Dean-o," Gabriel interjected, "Before the Shield was scheduled to even appear on Earth, Dad told all angels that any healing would end up being futile."

"He did not say all healing," Castiel corrected his brother, "He said healing would be limited. Retrieving memories was one that was listed as impossible."

The four kept discussing as Rissa sat in the room. She couldn't really move anywhere, so she just sat there for a while. The four men came into the room. Rissa looked at all four of them as they walked in.

"Kid," Dean started, "We are taking you out tomorrow. Sam wants to show you something as of right now."

Sam rolls his eyes. He picks up Rissa; she immediately started to panic as he picked her up. She didn't let her fear show, so she relaxed a bit and let the tall man carry her off. Sam takes Rissa into the shooting range in the bunker. Rissa immediately got excited. She was set down on the floor behind the firing line.

"Rissa, this is the firing range. This is where we practice ou-"

"WHERE ARE THE GUNS?!" Rissa asks quickly. Sam goes to the armory and grabs a pistol. Rissa looks at the weapon with awe. She suddenly grabs at her head and starts screaming from pain.

"Rissa!" Sam runs toward her with worry. He sets the weapon down behind him as he sat down beside her. He picked her up bridal style and carries her back to the room. She faints before Sam can set her down.

Dean runs up to Sam, "Sam! What happened?!"

Sam goes into an explanation of what happened recently. He includes the fact that Rissa was not in front of any firing line what so ever. Dean pinches the bridge of his nose as he takes in what information he had just been told. Dean tells Sam to follow him to explain to the children what was going on with Riley "Rissa".

"Kids," Sam starts, "Riley has a thing called amnesia. They can't remember some things very well."

Alex looks at his father. Tears are welling in his eyes. Des and Claire are asking Sam why Riley couldn't remember who they were.

Rissa's POV

I woke up again after 20 minutes. I get up and start to walk towards the door. I remembered something. I remembered getting attacked by my mom after she found out my sexuality and my prefered gender pronouns. I never revealed this to her, though. I need to talk to Sam about this.

I start walking down the hall while holding on to the wall. I walk through the hall searching for Sam. I find him talking to a few kids. One of them breaks down in tears. I feel bad for him. I start going forward to comfort him. The other two kids run at me and tackle me in a hug the moment they saw I was walking over. I start falling backwards and am immediately caught by Sam. The two kids had freckles, so they must be siblings. Something about how this went down seemed familiar...

"Rissa," Sam starts. He helps me resettle my balance, "You ok?"

I blink and shake my head realizing I had made a sort of face, "Y-yeah. I'm fine. I just- I need to talk to you privately." He dismisses the kids. They get off me and run to the living room. The child that was crying stayed there, but I didn't point it out to Sam. something in me wanted to let the young one hear this. I take in a deep breath, "Sam, I remembered something."

"What did you remember?" he asks.

"I remembered my name and gender!" I say excitedly. I look behind Sam and see the young child a bit more cheery. I look at Sam and start to continue.
*** "I remember in ninth grade, my mom had beating me after she found out that I liked girls and guys, and I would rather be called Riley. She checked around my room and found my ftm binder. I remember her saying she would beat the life out of me for liking girls and guys and that I called myself not-female. She called me unholy. I-" I look up at Sam after realizing I had looked down. My eyes start welling with tears. I give him a tight hug and start crying, "I tried to defend myself, but sh-she grabbed a hanger and left bruises. She ended up breaking it and moved to a bunch of cables. When she had finished, I... I couldn't recognize myself. I saw blood... I saw..."***
Sam cut me off and pulled me closer into the hug. "It's ok, Ri," He says gently, "You're at home now. You're safe." I hold onto the reassuring thought. I rub my face into his chest.

"I... I also remember meeting you and Dean in the ninth grade. You had asked me about demons, then moved on to what happened to me cause I was..."

Sam shushes me. He lets me know that he remembers that, too. I continue crying.

Sam's POV

I let Riley cry away their sorrows. They eventually went limp in my grasp: they had fallen asleep. Dean walks in when I picked Riley up bridal style. He looks at me, "What happened?" He asks.

"They remembered something. They weren't allowed to be who they were as a spry teenager in the ninth grade," I say summarizing what Ri had said.

"So that's why they were too afraid to be looked at! Sam, put them back in bed."

I bitch-faced my brother, but did as he told me to. I put them back in bed and let them rest. At the rate they're recovering, Ri should be good in a day or two.

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