Navy Recruit

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Sam's POV

I walk into Ri's room after nearly an hour of silence. As I look in, I see Barbus holding a sleeping Riley.

"Aren't they something, Sam?" Barbus asks me, the sound of genuine parental pride present in his voice.

I nod, "Let me get that for you," I say as I grab my knife to scratch the devil's trap Barbus is in.

Barbus walks out of the trap and thanks me. He goes to lie Riley down on the bed.

"Riley's eating habits. How are they?" Barbus asks.

"They... they aren't eating much. Why?" I respond.

"That explains why they're so light." Barbus says. I look at him and see concern, "I'm not sure if this'll mean much, but the Shield is to be a warrior, the strongest fighter and defender."

"That doesn't say anything to me." I reply.

Barbus reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folded piece of paper, "Show this to them. I have to go back to Hell. His majesty is going to be looking for me." He disappears. I watch Riley sleep for a few minutes and leave. As I am walking down the hall, I open the paper and inspect it. It was a recruiting flyer. Riley might be excited to see this, but I wouldn't be able to know until they woke up.

Three hours pass when Jamie finally woke up. They walked into the living room where I was at.

"Where's Barbus?" They ask.

"He had to go back to Hell," I respond, "He wanted me to show you this." I hand Riley the flyer. They look at it and get excited.

"Is this for real?" They ask excitedly. I only nod. They squeal and hug me. They let go before I could hug back properly, "I have to go get the reference manual!" They said as they ran out to the garage. I chuckle.  This kid grew up a bit too quickly in my opinion.

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