Escaping the Bunker

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Riley's POV

I started grabbing all the necessities I might need as I make my journey back to Florida. I had gotten a backpack from the nearest Office Depot and made sure the necessities would all fit. After I packed all the necessities, I went to grab a set motorcycle keys. They had a keychain that read "Trixter" on both sides. I had no idea what that meant, but I didn't care.

I went to the living room: I had left the Winchester kids there to sleep. I looked at them briefly. I thought one of them was stirring, but I let that slip out of my mind. I started to walk toward the door to the bunker's garage.

"Riley?" I hear one of the children. I turn around to find Alex on the edge of the couch. His grace showing through his under-developed eye made his face a bit more visible in the nearly dark room. His expression was that of confusion, "Are you leaving us?" He asks me.

I pick him up, "Don't worry about me, Alex. I was never meant to stay here."

"No!" He says as he plops himself against my chest, "Don't leave!" He stays like that for a little bit until he gives up, "Can you at least sing to me before you leave?"

I chuckle, "Sure." I lay him down on the couch and start scratching his head lightly in a relaxing manner. As soon as I feel him relax a little, I start to sing to him a gentle song. He fell asleep at the first verse. I got up a few minutes after he fell asleep and headed for the door to the garage. I looked back once I was at the door just to get one last look at what I was leaving behind. It wasn't much, but it would be in my conscience for a while. I walk through the door and find the motorcycle that the keys go to. I start up the motorcycle drive off. I get a few minutes down the road before there is someone on the road. It appeared to be a white person. Oh no... it was a demon. His hands were behind his back. I slow down to a complete stop in front of him. I hop off the motorbike and start walking towards him.

"Hello, prissy," he starts saying, "where are you going in such a rush?"

"Fuck off!" I shout at him trying to hide my fear.

The demon brings his hands in front of him revealing he had a bat. He starts swinging at me. I dodged a few and countered with punches or kicks. He hit me once. I held where he hit me and felt something wet and warm. I knew then that I was bleeding. My mind went into panic mode. He swung a few more times, and I blocked those. It started hurting after a few blocks. The pain was becoming unbearable for me to handle. I started blocking slower and less proficiently. The demon swung at me one more time causing the bat to break. I fell down to the ground. Blood flowing from three different places now, I felt weak. I couldn't really move. The demon cackled and said something, but I couldn't understand what he had said: everything sounded like a murmur. He kicked me in the guts, and that's where I have had it. I passed out on the road in front of the motorcycle.

Sam's POV the next morning

I woke up at eight in the morning and started to walk into the living room. Riley, Alex, Claire, and Destiel were all supposed to be asleep in there. When I walked in that morning, however, I found that Alex was further from his cousins and Riley was missing. I ran into the kitchen to check if they were in there. They were not. I started panicking and ran off to Dean and Cas' room. They woke up within a minute and started to walk out to see if what I had said was true. 

"Sam?" Came the voice of my husband, Gabriel, "Have you seen my motorcycle keys? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOTORCYCLE?!" I grabbed the keys to a '78 Chevy Chevelle and start to head out where I thought Riley would drive off to : Florida. I was half a mile away from the bunker when Gabriel appeared in the back seat, "Honey, where are you going?" He asks in concern. 

"Gabe, you shouldn't be teleporting away from the bunker. Alex is still there!" I say to him, avoiding the question. Gabe looks at me and uses his powers to stop the Chevelle. 

"Sammich, you know I care about you and Alex. He's with Dean-o, right now. Where are you going? Please, Sammich, tell me where you're going?" He begs. 

I sigh and tell him that I am going to try to find Riley. I gave him all the factors of what led me to believe they had run away. He nods and allows me to drive again. He stayed in the back seat and helped me search for Riley. Not too long down the road, we spot a motorcycle and someone laying down in the middle of the road. I hit the brakes and got out of the Chevelle. I walked over to the figure and pushed so that they were facing me. I recognized the figure as Riley by the hoodie they were wearing. I saw that they had bleeding wounds on their head, arm, and side. I pick them up and bring them back to the Chevelle, "I believe that motorcycle is yours," I tell Gabriel. He gets out the car and turns on the bike and hops on it. He revs it and pulls up beside the Chevelle. He waits for me to settle Riley in so that he can start driving off. I settle Riley in and get behind the wheel. We start driving off to the bunker to treat them there. They did appear to have a lot of damage to their head; the worst that could happen was they could forget who they were.

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