Lone Wolf

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Riley's POV

I was in Georgia at this point. I had somehow found a card forger to make me several fake ID's. The first thing I went to go do with my Citizen's ID, which now said I was 19, was get a tattoo on my wrist. The tattoo read : Quote the Raven "Nevermore"
It has a raven feather underneath it. It helps me remember that I'm human and worth living.

The next thing I did was buy outfits for the job I was gonna take up: hunting. How did I think of this job? I used to go to this road house. I never mentioned this to my momma. I heard some guys talking about 'things that go bump in the night', and to say the least, I got interested.

Third thing I did, I bought a newspaper and checked to see if there may've been a case. There was, apparently, and I was gonna be the first to take it! The article I read said that the victim was torn apart to shreds, and, get this, the heart was ripped out. I may be working with a wolf, but I am never too sure. Time to ask the locals.

Later at a café (playing FBI)

Step one: dress up. I had made sure to buy slacks. Skirts were never my forte.
Step two: FBI badge and a back-up plan. A retired hunter back at the roadhouse had given me his numbers for when I needed to play FBI or something else. I checked in on him everyday to make sure he hadn't died yet.
Step three: acting. The best thing about to job. It's right up there with actually saving people.
Step four: profit. I mean hunt, by the way. It is an act of- no. Too much explaining. You get what I mean, though... right?

I walked up to an obviously traumatized citizen of the town. He looked me up and down, almost as if he were making sure I was not a threat, "Hello, sir. I'm Agent Gonzales with the FBI."

"FBI or not," he started, "I don't trust you!"

"Sir," I put my hands slowly into the air showing that I was no harm, "I assure you, I don't mean any harm. You can trust me."

He looked at me fearfully. He looked as though he were to cry any second now, "What do you need answers to?" I started with the basic questions: "Did you know the victim", "What were they like",  "Any enemies", so on and so forth. After around 12 questions, I left the poor guy alone and sat at a table of my own. I thought I was done, but things took a turn.

Nic's POV

I walked into a cafe about half an hour ago where there was an FBI agent asking a traumatized citizen about the mishaps of the town I was currently trying to work a case in. I was originally just going to eat and drink some Mountain Dew. That originally was the plan. After half an hour, the FBI agent went and sat at a booth to herself. She had ordered herself some coffee and continued to stress out over something. 

Fifteen minutes after her coffee was set down in front of her, I heard someone say that they thought it was a sort of monster attack. I pulled out my ID and did my job, "Agent Rose, FBI. Mind if I ask you a few questions?" From behind, I could hear her clearing her throat.

"I'm sorry, Agent Rose," she started, "but may I please have a word with you?"

I nodded in response. I got up and followed her to a booth, "Listen, ma'am," I started. She looked up a bit offended.

"I am neither a he nor a she," they corrected, "I am a Muxe!"

"I am deeply sorry" I told them, "I am only here to do my job."

"Well that's what I am here for," they said, "Now if you could please let the real professionals do their job, that would be greatly appreciated."

I looked over them observing everything they had on. They were wearing a ring, a bracelet, no earrings, the charm wasn't visible, but I saw the chain to their necklace. They moved their wrist a little so as to drink their coffee, and I saw the one thing you could not have when in the work force, the tattoo on their wrist.
"Well, Agent 'Gonzales'," I started. They looked surprised when I started to air-quote their assumed agent name, "I hate to alert you of this, but the tattoo is a TOTAL give away that you are not a real FBI Agent!" I smirked at them.

They rolled their eyes, finished their coffee, and put down their coffee mug, "Alright then. I see I couldn't fool another hunter to leave me to this case," they got up, left a tip, and started to leave. I got up to follow them.
"May you, perhaps, not follow me?" they said realizing that I had followed.

I stopped in front of them. They came to an abrupt stop seeing that I had just gotten in their way, "Nope!" I said popping the P. They walked around me and walked outside, and I just leisurely followed, "Besides, I haven't properly introduced myself," I extended my hand out for them to shake with their introduction, "I'm Nic!"

They hesitantly grabbed my hand firmly, almost as though they were at an interview, "Riley," they let go of my hand, "Now if you would be so kind as to not leave- to not follow me and leave me alone, that would be moch appreciated. This case is covered. Here's my number in case you find something of mine that I forgot. Que tengas un buen dia, Nic!" they shouted to me. I saw them get into a Ford and drive off. I would've respected their not follow rule if they had not just turned in the same turn I had to go to for my motel. As for leave alone, they seemed to be accident prone judging by all the scars I found on them earlier, so there was no way I was leaving them alone.

(yes I know Riley said "moch" instead of "much". Riley is loosely based on me. That being said, they have a slight Spanish accent and lisp. English, too, is a problem for speaking and typing. Laters! ~Spn_Garbage)

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