"Brilliant planning, twat!"

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Riley's POV

I wake up from unconsciousness and faced with the girl from my case.

"Oh, hijo de una chingada!" I cursed in Spanish.

"Hey!" She shouted back, "cuida lo qué dices, que sí me salgo de aqui, de doy YO una chingada!"

"Hypocrite, " I mumbled.

"Oh, really?! Is this how this is going to work out?!" She shouted at me. I think I made her mad. Her British accent stuck out sorely compared to my Spanish one.

"Well, for one, we are stuck down here for the time being, so might as well have fun!" I exclaimed like the idiot I am. I looked over at this girl before me. She was very pretty. She's probably straight, though.

"Ok. I have a question," she said after a moment of silence between us. I gave her the silent motion to continue, "How did you get down here? "

"I fell," I say sarcastically. She gave me a stink eye. I sigh, "Fine. I got knocked out and brought down here. I originally came to rescue you. Name's Riley!"

"Some rescue you are, Riley," she replied coldly, "My name is Calley."

"Shut the fuck up," I said calmly, "All I need now is to get you out of-" I check my boot and sigh.

"What?" Calley asks me, "Is there something wrong?"

"They took my pocket knife!" I said laughing.

She looked at me with an expression that could kill anything, even maybe a leviathan! "Really?! They take your knife and this is your reaction?! You laugh?! You didn't even bring another!!! Brilliant planning you twat!!! What the bloody hell is your problem?!"

I smile. I pull my hands from behind me. I hold the ropes from my binds in one hand and my razor in the other, "They never did check my sleeves!" I shouted. She glared at me, but I could tell she was secretly glad. I went to her and started to cut her binds.

"Well, I guess I owe you that, now!" She says sort of laughing, "I just kinda have a question: how do you have a razor blade?" I tense slightly. She must've noticed, "O-oh! You don't have to tell me!"

"No no! No. You did ask!" I tell her, "I, um," I roll up my shirt from the bottom to reveal a steady ladder of cuts on my sides. I quickly lower my shirt when she has a good look. I get back to cutting her binds.

When I finish, I help her up. She takes the razor from my hand, throws it off somewhere behind her and she kisses me. I am tense for a moment, but I eventually melt into the kiss. She pulls away, "I'm sorry!" She starts  apologizing, "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that! It wasn't-"

I cut her off right there, "Don't apoligize if it wasn't an accident and if you enjoyed it. Was it an accident?" She shakes her, "Did you enjoy it?" I ask. She nods. I smile, "Don't apologize. C'mon. Let's get outta here," I tell her. I hold out my hand for her to take so I can lead her out. She takes it, and we start on our way out.

Within five steps from where we're at, the shifter appeared in my skin, "What's going on?" Other me asks.

I look to Calley, "That's not me," I tell her. She is immediately in a sense of panic. I look at her and pull out my favorite yet least worn necklace. I handed it to the shifter. The shifter hissed in pain, "CALLEY RUN!" I shout to her. I quickly put on the necklace, punch the shifter and start running behind her. I can't catch up to her, though. The damned shifter caught me.

It pins me to the floor, "You know you can't hide who you are forever!" It shouts at me, "We both know why you cut yourself every day! Come with us!"

"Get the hell off of me!" I shout at it. I kick it off of me. We both stand , "What the hell do you know about me? I am nothing to you, to God, to ANYONE!"

It laughs sourly, "That's what you think!" It continues laughing. I moved quickly. I pulled my gun out of its pocket. It was loaded with silver bullets. I cocked it quickly, aimed for its heart, and pulled my trigger. It now laid dead in front of me. I turned to go search for Calley. I eventually find her. I run the silver test on her to make sure it was her. It was. I led her to where I had entered from. We returned to the entrance. It appeared to be night time, so I took her back to the bunker. The guys were still not home, so that was a good thing.

I turn around to look at her, "Ok. Cally, don't do too much noise. There are kids here who are asleep. Ok?" She nods. I open the door as quietly as possible. We both go in. I let her sleep in my room for the night. That wasn't that great of an idea. We ended up kissing most of the night... more than kissing... let's just leave it at that. 

"That was some brilliant planning you twat," she tells me. I look at her and smile.

"Thanks," I reply, "But you have to leave soon. Dean wouldn't like that I had an unexpected guest. Much less, went hunting."

"Well then, here's my number," she says handing me a slip of paper, "I'll leave before six. You'll be asleep by then."

I take the slip and go to sleep. The next morning, like promised, she was gone. The kids wake up and I start making breakfast and doing everyday chores. The kids thought my cooking was a bit bad. I don't blame them. I can't cook. I highly doubt I'll be able to eleven years from now. I can't finish doing what I was doing at the moment because I started getting a splitting headache. Something was telling me that there was someone I should know about for the future, but whom and how long from now?

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