Drowning Child

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It had officially been a week since the Winchesters came home. They told me that I were to make sure the kids went out today for a walk at the park... and I wasn't allowed to hunt. I became the supply packer. See, the thing is, we did go to the park. The only thing we didn't count on, however, was a bunch of demons being at the park. They were all just running around as though they were looking for someone... but whom?

I walked a little bit further with the Winchester children until I felt a small disturbance in the pond in the park center. No one else could feel it. The demons had left minutes ago, I noticed. I assume they gave up searching for whoever they were searching for. The disturbant vibe was growing stronger now. I told the children to stay there.

"But Zizi!" Alex started, "We wanna help!"

"You can't swim yet, ok? Zizi needs to do this right quick!" I jumped into the pond and started looking around. I found a small child eventually. He was floating slowly to the bottom. I swam down to him as quickly as I could. I felt my ears pop slowly the further down I went. It was bothering me how these demons didn't notice he was in here. I caught up to him and noticed he was unconscious. This meant that he was drowning before I got here. Poor kid. I grabbed him and allowed the natural pressure to push me out. I started kicking my feet to make it quicker to the surface. I enjoy the feeling of the water tension breaking as I rise as much as the next guy, but this was an emergency!

We emerged through the surface of the water a few seconds after. I  swam to the edge of the pond and placed him on the grass. I got out beside him and got a good look at the kid. He was a demon... no. He couldn't be. Antichrist. He had blond hair, freckles, a small set of horns... cute! I snapped myself out of my pensative state and checked for a heart beat. It wasn't present.  He wasn't that cold, which meant I still had time. I immediately locked my elbows, which wasn't hard since I was double-jointed, placed my hands in the center of his chest and started CPR. A half minute into it, the kid started coughing up the water he had breathed in. He took in a big breath of fresh air. His eyes fluttered open. I noticed they were green. He sat up and looked at me.

"cò th 'annad?" He asked me in a foreign language. I wouldn't know... I don't speak the language he just spoke. I must've been showing my confusion. He then stood up and stood in a defensive manner and started shouting at me, "WHO ARE YOU?!" his accent was heavy. Now hearing him in English, I could tell he was Scottish.

I raised my hands up slowly, indicating that I meant him no harm, "I'm Riley. I came by through the park with a few kids and saw you drowning. Are you ok?"

"I..." he looked around, "where's my dad?"

"Who's your dad?" I asked him. He quickly looked back at me, "What's his name?"

"Crowley." He said. I looked at him.

"Kid, I'm going to ask you this, ok? What's your name?"

"Christopher," he replied, "but my dad calls me Chris."

"Chris. Ok. Chris, can you follow me home right now? I'm going to need help finding your dad. I know some guys who can help. Is that ok?" I say to him. He nods his head. I go to get the Winchester nephilims and head to the bunker. I walked behind them so I could keep a good eye on them. Alex had made his way beside Chris. They were talking to eachother. Every once in a while, they started running ahead from everyone else. I stopped them before they could get lost. It was a very childish interaction, but meaningful.

At the bunker
Sam's POV

Riley came into the bunker with the children a few minutes past the hour. I was a bit surprised to see that they had an extra child with them.

"Hey guys!" They start, "I'm home. Sam, Dean? A word?"

We walk over to them. The kids, except the extra child, went to the bunker living room to grab toys to play with.

"Guys," they start, "This is Christopher. I need help finding his dad."

"Who's his dad?" Dean asks.


Dean tenses up, "Crowley?!"

"Y-yes... is that a problem?" Riley says with concern.

"No. Not a problem," I tell them, "just give us a minute, we'll get the summoning ritual out."

Riley's POV

I watch the guys leave to get the summoning spell out. That left me and Chris alone. I looked down at him and he looked up at me. I didn't blink. He didn't blink either. He eventually blinked.

"Ha!" I celebrated, "You blinked!"

"Nuh uh!" He shouted back, "Rematch!"

"Ok, tough guy," I say as I kneel down to his level. "Rematch!" I closed my eyes, and he closed his, "Ready?" I ask him.

"Yeah!" He says excitedly.

"Ok. Go!" I say as I open my eyes. He opens his. We stay like that for what feels like five minutes. I blinked.

"Ha!" He says in his small victory, "I win!" I laugh. He looks at me and puts his fist over his open palm. He wants to play rock, paper, scissors. I smirk at him and repeat his action.

"Zizi!" Alex calls from the living room. He comes running over, "Zizi. Destiel and Claire don't wanna play with me. I'm bored!"

"You can play with us!" Chris says happily, "We're about to play rock, paper, scissors!"

"Sorry, Alex," I start, "But you've been mean to me. You owe me ice cream before you can play."

"Deal!" Alex says, "I take you to the icecream shop in town later!" Alex says. I laugh.

"I was kidding, Alex," I say.

"Oh well," he says. We drop the conversation and he joins the game. We began a minute later.

Sam's POV

"I understand you hate the man," I say to Dean, "but this is his son we're talking about!"

Dean was standing infront of the whole summoning platter and ritual. He didn't want to deal with Crowley anymore than I did, but this is Crowley's son! Demons might be searching for him as we speak!

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