Inner Demon

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Riley's POV

I sat on my bed the rest of that day. My only guests were Sam, Dean, their husbands, and occasionally Alex. I had tested myself with various devil traps and found them a bit effective. It would slow me down, but it wouldn't trap me. My fears were correct: I was becoming a demon.

Ten minutes before I start falling asleep, Sam comes in.

"Ri, you have a visitor." He says. I look at him as he starts to leave. In his place, I see Barbus walk into view.

"Barbus!" I say as I run up to him, getting slowed down every five seconds as I pass through a devil's trap.

"Riley!" He hugs me as I ran into him, "Baby child, are you alright? Sam summoned me and told me you were scared!"

"I am scared, Dad." I said, tears threatening to spill, "I'm scared cause I'm becoming evil, and I hate it! I'm terrified I-"

Barbus covers my mouth, "Sweety... it's ok. I'm here for you. I would never let you become an evil being such as that."

"But... but you're one of those beasts..." I say with confusion as I removed his hand from over my mouth.

He smiles, "I am, but something about you made me break my evil ways. When you ran away as a child to my house and chose to stay there, guess what happened to Cool Uncle Clive."

"He lightened up?" I ask unsure of if I was correct.

"He lightened up. You have something special about you, Riley. It would break both of us to know you gave in to your inner demon." Barbus said softly.

I look at Barbus as I back into a demon trap. As I step out of it from the oppisite side, he notices that I slow down. I get back into the trap and sit.

"I'm sorry, Dad. This is what I am becoming." I say solemnly. I start to cry. Barbus walks into the trap with me. I look at him, "Dad! You're gonna be stuck in here!"

"It's better than leaving you alone," he says as he hugs me. I hug him back, "I won't leave you alone. We'll get through this together."

They Were Destined For Something ElseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora