Cooking and Crowley

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Riley's POV

Chris, Alex and I are in the kitchen now. I'm preparing food on the stove... hopefully.

"Zizi!" Christoper shouts at me. I turn around surprised to hear him call me "zizi", "What are you cooking?"

"I... uh..." I look at the pot on the stove and cringe. I was trying to cook something less simple... like rice, maybe... I mean, the water's boiling, "I think I'm cooking rice."

"Zizi can't really cook," Alex says from the living room.

"Yes I can!" I shout back at Alex. He laughs. I look at Christopher. He is looking at me with a face of fear.

"You can't cook?" He asks timidly. I try reassuring him the best way I knew how: exaggerating. Chris doesn't buy it. I give up and decide to give it a rest. I heave a sigh and shake my head.

"I could try, though, you know!" I tell him with a soft smile on my face. This gets him excited. I crack my knuckles loudly to prove that I am about to attempt something that I can and will attempt. Chris watches in absolute wonder as I add the seasonings and other foods. I eventually leave the rice to just sit there. I made sure to put a timer on it so that I can get it when it is done. No sooner than I had put the rice to sit, the kitchen lights start to flicker. I immediately knew that Sam, Dean, or Cas just summoned something.

"Daddy's here!" I hear Chris shout beside me. I look down at the jumpy boy, "Zizi! Can we go see Daddy? Please?"

He throws me puppy-eyes that were begging to go see his dad. The only problem I had was that I can't resist puppy-eyes. I give in, put him on my shoulders, and I start to carry him to the summoning room where, sure enough, Sam and Dean had summoned a demon.

"So," he starts, his British accent capable of convincing anyone, "I can see that my boy was taken care of." Chris had started squirming on my shoulders. He was trying to get down. I grab him and hold him. He was now trying to squirm out of my grasp. I give him over to the demon I am fairly sure is named Crowley. 

"Daddy!" He starts, "Zizi is cooking! I wanna tastes their rice!"

Crowley, Dean and Sam look at me. Crowley's eyes flash red, and I feel my spine shiver. Whoever this Crowley is, I feel like I should never encounter him in a dangerous manner. His eyes flash back to normal human eyes, "Alright, little biscuit," he says to Chris, "We'll try Zizi's cooking, but-" I run out before he can finish what he is saying. The rice didn't have too long before it would start burning. I make it in time before it starts burning, but it didn't feel right to take it off now. I decided to leave it for five more minutes.

5 minutes later

The good news, it's not horribly burnt. I really just need to make sure no one eats the rice at the bottom. I try some of the rice. It tastes good, at least. I put the rice onto plates. The whole crew is out in the dining area. I give a sigh, straighten my posture and go serve the rice. No one complained about my cooking. I felt accomplished.

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