A Most Interesting Meet-up

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Riley's POV

It didn't take long for Nic and I to take down the vamp... Well, actually it did. It took three weeks. In those three weeks, Nic and I had bonded into an unbreakable, healthy friendship. Sure, every once in a while I would find notes on the floor of my motel room, but it was always for some sort of update about the day. I ended up nicknaming her Moose because of how much taller she is to me. I shouldn't have really cared much when I had to part ways with Nicky, but it was what it was. I just didn't know if it would be long before we ran into each other again.

I was now at my destination, Florida, and I felt free. I was currently wearing a Navy hoodie because I didn't like anything else. I was writing a letter to my Moose even if she was far away. I'll be honest, I did miss her a bit. I was in the middle of writing my letter when I suddenly felt someone tugging on my hoodie.

"Excuse me," I looked down and saw a little boy looking up at me, "May I hide with you?" He asked.

I smiled. I lifted him onto the chair I was sitting on and on my lap. I held him in a sort of hug, "Actually, how about I just hold you here so that I can hide you, how about it?"

He smiled at that and assumed a comfortable position in my lap. I laughed at how easily he got comfortable. I asked him what his name was after telling him mine only to find that his name was Destiel, like that ship everyone back at that con I went to that everyone kept shipping. Not too long after, a demon came up to me, "Hey! You! Bitch!?"

"Hey, slut!" I shouted back at him, "I have a kid here! Mind your tongue!"

"Shut up!" He responded, "Have you seen a child with a small star burst-like necklace and wings come through here?"

"A kid with what now?" I asked dumbly.

He leaned in closer, "You'd better not be playing dumb with me, fucker," he threatened, "I'm looking for a kid with wings!"

I waved my hand in front of my nose so as to waft "bad breath" away, "Dude!" I started, "Your breath reeks!"

He took a step back and started fuming his way back to wherever he came from, "What the HELL is WRONG with these humans?!" he shouted as he stormed off.

I looked back at Destiel, "Want ice-cream?" I asked him. He perked up quickly and nodded his head super quickly.

Time Skip

Des was tired after finishing his ice-cream. He was actually falling asleep in my lap. He asked me earlier to sing a song to him, and immediately, I started singing Hey, Jude by the Beatles. (bold is Riley, and italic is a stranger)

Hey Jude, Don't let me down.
Take a sad song, and make it better

Remember to let her into your heart,

I looked up for a second. Looking around cautiously then continued.

Then you can start to make it- I felt a gun at the side of my head -b e t t e r

"You have one minute to tell me who you are and what you are doing with my son!" I heard the stranger growl.

I didn't turn. I started hyperventilating in a fit of panic, "I'm sorry, sir!" I shouted, unable to control my volume.

"Dean! Stop!" I heard another stranger say.

"Sammy," I heard this Dean say. The next thing I know, a guy in a trench coat and messy hair appears in front of me. He places his index and middle finger to my forehead.

General POV

Sam and Dean started arguing over how it's not a good idea to threaten someone's life when you barely met them. Castiel knocked the child out with his angel powers. "Sam, Dean!" he called to them. They turn around to face the angel, "We have to leave. Now!"

Later at the bunker

"Here. Have some water," Sam offered to Riley.

"Thanks," Riley says as they take the water and start drinking it.

"Ok, so what are we looking at here, Cas?" Dean asked Castiel.

"We are looking at an important part of the apocalypse you stopped, " Cas replied.

"Important?!" Dean retorted, "Important how?"

"It's harder to explain than it is to simply say it," Cas responded.

Almost as if timed, Riley started coughing and gasping, dropping the glass cup and breaking it,"Important and still chokes on water?" Dean asked in disbelief.

"Looks can be deceiving."

"Yeah. Sure. Deceiving," Dean replied sarcastically, "Bout how deceiving with tootsie roll?"


"I'm just saying, Cas! I don't want to just hand out trust!"

"I know, but why else would our son hide with her?" Cas basically shouted to Dean.

"Them!" Riley corrected quickly.

"Sorry," Cas apologized, "hide with them. "

"I still don't trust them!" Dean exclaimed, "For all I know, they could be working for the angels or demons!"

"That's the thing, Dean," Cas responded, "They don't work for either!"

"Wait. What d- what do you mean by 'don't work for either'?"

"I mean that they are the lost and ultimate weapon of the apocalypse: the Shield of the Children of Heaven and Hell!" Cas exclaimed softly so Riley wouldn't hear him, "They attract kids who are expected to either be Heaven's weapon or Hell's weapon. Both Heaven and Hell are looking for them to get children!"

"So if they're being hunted down, they are a danger!"

"Dean! That's not what that means! They are not dangerous! They were just suffocating on water! They hyperventilated when you threatened them with a gun!" Cas started arguing, "They don't even know what they are! All they know is that they are great with children!"

Dean looked at the ground at a loss for words. He looked back at Cas, "So a child magnet?"

"Basically," Cas replied. They turned around to find Sam holding Riley's arm to prevent them from falling. Alex was on Sam's back, Destiel and Claire were both holding onto Riley in a hug. They were both pleading not to say anything. Dean, being the mature person he is, took a picture of this fabulous thing that happened.

(Gonna post the background mishaps in a seperate chapter)

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