Vamps in the Daylight?

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Nic's POV

It had been three hours since we started researching. It was now about five in the afternoon. Riley had fallen asleep claiming that they were only going to take a nap. They still had their torn uniform on from when they were attacked. To say the least, they looked like they were asleep in a peaceful slee- oh. Nope. Never mind. They're crying. Why were they crying? I put down the book I was using for research and walked over to where they had fallen asleep. I shook them lightly on the shoulder, and they woke up, "Hey, Ri. Are you ok?" I asked them softly. They pushed me away lightly and got up.

"Yeah," they said in an exhausted manner, "I'm fine. I just... nothing. I'm fine."

"Ok," I replied. I didn't want to push any further because they'll talk about it when they're ready to talk about it.

Riley's POV

I woke up to Nic shaking me lightly. I pushed her away lightly so as to be able to get up. After telling her that it was nothing, I got a glass of water. I made sure that I wasn't too far off of the rails off emotional stability, but I knew that wasn't going to be a possibility seeing my past experiences. I went back to the main room of the motel room to make some more progress on the research we had been doing. 

"Did you find anything while I was out?" I asked Nic. She shook her head and made sure to add the extra emphasis on how she had been searching because I had fallen asleep. I rolled my eyes at her. I started heading to the door to the exit. She looked up from her research.

"Where you going? You just got up!" She said matter-of-factly. 

"I'm gonna go on a supply run. You want something?" I responded. She looked at her book again making sure to get more progress done.

"Yeah, uh, how about some Dr.Pepper and a beese churger?" She responded. 

I looked at her, "Are you sure you don't want some boneless pizza?" I asked her. 

She looked at me and threw a cushion at me, "NO!" She shouted, "THAT MEME IS DEAD!" 

I laughed, "I'm sorry, I didn't know that!" I turned around and started leaving again. I made it to the car and turned it on. I rolled out to the nearest burger place (McDonald's, ugh) and went through the drive thru to order our foods.

Three hours  later
Nic's POV

We were doing research again for three hours. Riley then got up excitedly, "What?" I asked them.

They looked up looking  excited. They looked at me and giggled, "Nothing!"

I looked at them un-amused. I threw another cushion at them. They blocked it easily, but I didn't care. It shut them up. 

"OK, but I seriously did find something," they said.

"Well then, speak, Muxe!" 

"Ok. This Vamp does everything in the daylight in a very particular pattern."

"That's not right," I said, "Vampires are nocturnal! Why would they do this in the day time?"

"Throw us off, maybe?" They offered, "Whatever it is, we gotta find the idiot so we can deal with him."

And so, that we did. We looked at the area of the attacks and found the possible point of the Vamp's nest, and decided that no matter what time of day it was, we were still going to hunt this vamp down. 

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