The next chapter

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1 year and eight weeks later

Riley stood in formation at their graduation from the Navy Basic Training. They could see Sam, Dean, and little Alex in the crowd. They smiled a little. Sam and Alex waved at Riley and Dean winked. Riley returned the wink since it was the only thing they were allowed to do.

The ceremony soon began. Riley stood in Bravo Platoon as the first squad leader. They had been looking forward to this day since the first time they got to Florida. They were 18, now.

The ceremony went on for nearly two hours. When every cadet present was given a rank and  position, the company commander called, "Company! Attention!" All the platoons came to attention, "Dismissed!" The place where the ceremony was being held was filled with the echo of all the recruits responding. Once Riley was able to be free of the platoon they were in, they ran over to Sam, Dean, and Little Alex.

"Sam, Dean, Alex, I did it!" Riley says excitedly.

"And we are so proud," Sam says.

"We will miss you, though." Dean says.

"Aw, c'mon, Dean-y," Riley says, "Out at sea isn't the same as basics. I get to keep the phone." They hugged their newfound family, "I will miss you guys. I leave within a week before I am deployed. What shall we do in the meantime?"

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