A Few Unlikely Visits

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Riley's POV

I entered into the motel room I had rented. I was only happy to finally have a bed on which to sleep. I drank too much coffee earlier and felt like I was going to throw up. I went to the bathroom so I could vomit if the need be. The need did have to be. I threw up. Three seconds later, I heard the sound of wings in my room. I didn't understand why there was the sound of wings in my room. There weren't any birds in here last time I checked. I turned around only to find a guy in a suit in front of me. He pulled out a knife of some sort and started attacking me.

"Woah, woah, woah, wait a minute!" I tried to make him stop. He didn't stop. He lunged forward to attack me again, but I managed to grab his arm before he could do any damage, "Please stop! I don't know what it is, but you must have me confused for a different person!"

He looked at me in a menacing way, "You are the person I was sent after!" he started shouting, "I was sent here with the order to kill you, and if you were to show resistance, I would need to smite you viciously!"

I screamed when I saw that he had gone for another swing. I tried to dodge, but he managed to have cut my cheek a little bit. I kicked him behind the knee to make him lose his standing. When I did that, I flipped him onto his back and started to run as quickly as I could to the door to no avail. He had appeared in front of me, "Who the hell are you?!" I questioned.

"I am Ezekiel!" He shouted. Immediately after, his eyes started to glow blue. I couldn't move. I was in a state of fear to where movement was not possible at all, "And you are the reason why I have been sent here!"

Suddenly, the room glowed a bright white. When the glow disappeared, Ezekiel was no longer there. I looked around and found Nic standing at the farthest wall. Her hand was on the wall, bleeding and on top of a sigil of some sort which was painted on the wall with what I assumed was her blood, "Well, Ezekiel, as much as a pleasure it was to meet you, I can't just have you kill her," she started to walk toward me, "Aren't you lucky you agreed to my terms and conditions?" she joked, "Had you not agreed and I had left, you would have been dead!" I looked at her. I was in too much shock to even talk at the moment, "Well, you gained a rather big cut on your cheek there. Angel blades do that," she walked out for a minute and got her first aid kit, "Ok, this might hurt a little. Maybe a lot," she grabbed a sterilizing wipe from the kit and wiped it on my wound. I hissed a little bit in pain. It hurt a little, but not too much to the point to where I would scream, "Ok, Hercules, let's see how you can handle this much pain," I looked at her. I was trying to figure out what she was talking about. I saw her holding a needle and getting some thread, "Turn around, Riley. I need to be able to see the start and end of your wound so that I can close it properly."

"Is this going to hurt a lot or a little compared to the sterilizing wipe?" I asked.

"A bit more than the sterilizing wipe?" she said in a questioning manner, "It mostly just depends on your pain tolerance level."

I looked at Nic, "This is my first time getting stitches," I started, "And to top that off, I am afraid of needles!"

She looked at me, "Well then, don't look and think of your happy place. Try not to feel the pain of the needle," I did as she instructed. Well, to be correct, I tried to do as she instructed me to. She put the needle through my skin and started the sewing process. I let go a scream of pain. That hurts a lot compared to the sterilizing wipe, "Ok. I just need to get... oh. I may have miscalculated the size of that wound," She said. She put her fingers on the top and bottom of the corner of my lip and split them gently. I let out a moan of pain, "He appears to have cut you as far as the corner of your lip. This might take about ten minutes of sewing, maybe more if you don't stop moving and screaming!" I laid down onto the pillow of the bed I was in. Nic sighed and started the process again. It hurt tons, but being on the pillow helped some. Ten minutes into the sewing process, I felt the string pop and Nic getting off the bed, "That should heal up soon. For now, try not to shout, yell, yawn, or bite the inside of your lip!" I gave a small smile. It hurt a little bit, but it wasn't enough tension to pop the string.

"I thank you for not leaving," I started, "I could've been dead had I kicked you out of town."

"Hey," she said, "don't worry about it! We should probably set up angel wards in case he comes back."

Three minutes into putting up the wards, we heard a knock at the motel door. I went to go open the door only to find a man with engine oil stains all over his shirt. He walked in and turned around, "Hello. I came to see about your car," he said. He was clearly anxious about something else.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but you appear to have gotten the wrong place," I told him.

"I didn't," he stood up and walked up to me, "It's good to see you again, Riley," he said, his face as gentle as a lullaby. His eyes turned black. Nic went forward to attack him, but I stopped her.

"What are you doing, Riley? This guy is a demon!" Nic nagged at me.

"I know, " I said, not turning around to face her, "But something about him feels familiar to me," I looked at the demon and tried to search him for any clues that might help.

"C'mon, Ri. You remember me, right?" he asked me. He was close to tears.

I looked at the demon and almost started crying, "Barbus? Is that you?"

"Yes! It is!" He smiled. I ran up to Barbus and gave him the biggest hug I could've ever given a person, "Look at you, all grown up!" A few tears escaped my eyes, "I can't believe that you are this grown!"

"I can't believe you're here, Barbus!" I said to him, "But where did you go that you had to leave?"

"I had to go to actual Hell to receive a new job," He replied. I didn't care that he had disappeared for almost eight years of my life, he was like a dad to me, "You have to listen to me right now, though," he said seriously, "Something deadly this way comes! We have to train as much as possible to get you ready!"

"Can we do that after this case?" I asked.

"Yes, we will have to do that, don't we? You are dealing with a vamp," he said , "This vamp is rather intelligent in masking his attacks like that of a wolf. Be cautious, you two," he said. He disappeared and left us to the job.

"Welp," Nic said, "I guess we have no choice but to work together."

I opened my mouth to say something, but decided against it. Looks like I'm stuck working a case with Nic.

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