You Meet Another Pasta

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    "Toby... when will I meet one of the others?"
     "The other Pasta, or maybe one of the other proxies?"

     That was a month ago and Toby still hasn't answered your question. You've kept bugging him about it. "Toby!", You yelled, trying to gain his attention. He looked at you. You stared at him expectantly. He shook his head and walked towards the kitchen. You gasped dramatically, 'offended'.
     "Toby!", You yelled in an offended tone. When he didn't answer you huffed in annoyance. "Rude.", You muttered crossing your arms. "Fine then! I'm going out!", You exclaimed and grabbed your purse(or whatever bag you use) and stomped past Toby, out of the house.


     Hours passed. You were still out doing whatever at this point. You had treated yourself to an all you can eat buffet three hours before, and after that you went to a fro–yo place. You also went shopping for your favorite things. Basically, you spent a LOT of money.
     At this point you had forgotten about your upset mood—actually you had forgotten about it a long time ago. Now you were just taking a stroll through the park. Usually plenty of people were out at this time of day, but it seemed as if the park was empty today.
     But you didn't seem to care. The silence was peaceful. Continuing on with your walk, you heard a familiar voice calling for you. You looked around until your eyes laid upon you friend, Mike. (Mike Wazowski 😂😂) He was smiling and waving to you. You waved back with a small smile.
      He jogged up to you, "Hey." "Hey.", You greeted back.
     "How's things?"
     "Good, good. Whatta 'bout you, Mikey?" (Michael Angelo, TMNT)
     "Good. So, um, while we're out here, wanna walk with me?"

     Before you could answer a loud voice in the distance yelled, "NO!" You both looked that way. You had expected to see Toby in all his jealous glory, but—to your surprise— it was Masky. Mike, knowing all about CPs, ran the hell outta there.
     You stood there confused as Masky ran up to you and Hoodie came out of nowhere. Masky grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you slightly. "You can NOT walk with a different guy! And STOP leaving Toby! You're the only reason he leaves me alone! My only chance at peace! Go home!!", He turned you around and started pushing you home.


     Once you got there Hoodie and Masky made a break for it. You, still being utterly and completely confused, went inside. Toby instantly tackled you and hugged you tightly. "I MISSED YOU!!" When he didn't get a response he let go and looked at you.
     You still had a look of confusion and you were obviously zoned out. Toby tilted your head. "Are you okay??"

     Let's just say, you had an interesting first meeting with the proxies.

A/N: Sorry it's short! I honestly have no idea where I went with this, but at least I updated! Lol. But anyways, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! BA BYE!! :)

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