When He Gets Hurt

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(*Cue insane panicked screaming*)


You, my good friend, were just minding your own fUCKING BUSINESS WHEN THIS SHIT HAPPENED. So—Here you are, just walking your new (*Insert pet*)(Lol Lion.) in the park. Next thing you fUCKING KNOW—TOBY FALLS OUT OF A DAMN TREE! "Toby!?"

End flashback

     Toby was sitting there staring dumbly at his foot, WHICH WAS TWISTED BACKWARDS! You... Were freaking out. He tilted his head. Only one sound came out of his mouth, "Huh."
     "'HUH'!? THAT'S ALL YOU CAN SAY!? YOUR ANKLE IS BROKEN!", You scream. He just shrugs causing you to look at him in disbelief. "I can't feel pain," He shrugged.
     "SO!? IT'S STILL BROKEN! AND WHETHER YOU CAN FEEL PAIN OR NOT IT'S STILL A BAD THING!", You exclaimed. He stared at you for a second and then shrugged, "Eh." You sigh and drag him away to find Dr. Smiley.

A/N: Sorry it's short. I'm tired and have writer's block. I happy you still enjoyed it though. Thanks for reading! BA BAI! ;)

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