When He Gets Hurt #2

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You were at the park with Toby. It was later in the evening; a time where there weren't many people. You guys were just playing around, being the childish couple you were. Then Toby stopped, causing you to stop as well. "What is it?", You asked as he looked into the distance. You followed his gaze. You almost instantly bursted out laughing. Jeff was halfway up a tree, probably after a potential victim, when the girl he was chasing started throwing pine cones at him. You died laughing when she threw an angry squirrel at him, causing to fall while getting attacked. (Hmmm... I wonder why that sounds familiar.) You fell back laughing. Toby sat quietly trying to hold back his laughter—ultimately failing—when he fell back, and ended up rolling down the hill.


End Flashback

You ran to him as he sat the bottom of the hill, dazed. You took his face in your hands, examining the cut on his forehead. "Oh, Toby are you okay?" "Yeah. I think I hit my head on a rock." You looked at him, "I can see that." You looked at the cut and cringed. It was pretty deep, he'd need stitches more than likely.
"A–Are you sure you're okay?" He nodded, smiling. "I can't feel pain remember?" You sighed in relief, "Yeah, I forgot about that.." You smiled at him, "Let's go take you to Smiley." He nodded, "Okay."

And so, you took him to Smiley. He got stitches; then, you two went to IHOP for waffles. And Jane came back to the mansion with a 13 year old kid, who was the same girl that threw the angry squirrel at Jeff. Jeff went on complaining, and BEN gave the girl googly eyes the rest of the day.

A/N: This was a little short and I was a little too lazy to add the stuttering and tics and stuff. Also, I ended up putting Jane's part from my Mother/Father Creepypasta Scenario book... Hope you enjoyed, though! Thanks for reading! BA BAI! ;)

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