When You Get Hurt

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A/N: Um, so... I just realized I made two when he gets hurt chapters 😂😂 I'm not going to delete either one, so I was thinking: why not make another "When You Get Hurt" chapter? Tell me what you guys think in the comments. Alsoooooo, this may be a biiitt short.

     You were minding your own business—mostly cleaning while jamming out to some music, more specifically, (F/S/o/F/A/o/FB)(Favorite Song, or Favorite Album, or Favorite Band, or—You get my point..). Normally you didn't have to clean often, but with Christmas and your family staying way longer than they were supposed to, your house was a huge mess. The worst room of all was the one your sister stayed in. You had never known your younger sister could be so messy.
You'd thought your brother was bad, well now you know—your sister is worse. You shivered, not wanting to think about what you had to go through when cleaning that room. Brief flashbacks of the horror that is called your guest room appeared in your head. How..? You thought, shaking your head.
     As you continued to clean the good part of your song came on. You closed your eyes as you sang (kinda outta toon—me too tho) and head-bobbed violently. What you didn't notice as you danced around was a random banana peel (that wasn't there before—"Author-chan you can't do that" Haha, yes I can.) in the middle of the floor. Guess what happened... You slipped and fell.
     (Wanna know what word came out of your mouth? You'll see...) As you fell, you screamed, "CUNT." And when you face planted you yelled, "MCFUCKNUGGETS THAT HURT!" Toby, who had just came in, jumped in surprise. "McFucknuggets..?" You cried in pain as you laid on the floor. "Are you okay?", He asked. You simply rolled over in response. Toby hissed at the sight.
     Your nose, normally straight and not bleeding, was being the opposite of itself today. "I think you broke your nose.." Tears streamed down your face, "Why..? Why is the universe so CRUEL!"

     You had to get your nose cracked back into place and a nasal cast put on your nose. You cried some more and then went to sleep. Toby was left with continuing to clean the house.

~Back with Toby~

     Toby picked up a banana peel from the floor. "So that's where that went.." He thought about your accident for a moment, "Oh wait..." He darted his eyes left to right, "It was BEN... That's what I'm gonna tell her if she ever asks where this came from." He discreetly places it in the trash can while whistling suspiciously.

A/N: Sorry it was a bit short! I hope you enjoyed anyway! Thanks for reading! BA BAI!!! ;)

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