You Get Hurt #2

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You had, somehow, ended up in the top of a very, very tall tree. How'd you get here? Well, let's see...


You walked down the street calmly. You had just gotten back from shopping. You noticed, out of the corner of your eye, Masky and Hoodie... spying on you..? 'Huh?', You thought to yourself. You stared at them until they noticed you staring and ran away. You tilted your head to the side and furrowed your eyebrows. 'That was weird...', You thought and shook your head. You continued on your way. And then, as you got closer to home, your neighbors crazed dog started chasing you. To be completely honest, you think the dog has rabies... or it just slobbers a lot? No, definitely has rabies. And so... You ran. Really fast. You got close to being cornered; until, you spotted a very, very tall tree. And so... you climbed it... To the very top...


"Uhhh...", You dragged on as you hugged the tree trunk tighter and continued to look down. Then, you saw Toby just about to pass the tree you were stuck in. "TOBY!", You screamed, causing him to jump in surprise and look around. "TOBY! UP HERE!", You yelled. He looked up and his eyes widened at the sight of you.

"(Y/N)!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE!?", He screamed up at you. "IT WAS A RABID DOG, OKAY!? DON'T JUDGE ME!", You screamed back as you started tearing up due to the fear of falling. "HOLD ON! I'LL GET YOU DOWN!", He yelled and ran off. "HOW ARE YOU GONNA HELP ME FROM OVER THERE!? I'M UP HERE!!", You exclaimed.


An hour later, (YOU: AN HOUR!? ME: Ikr?), Toby came back and got you down. You got down safely, and uninjured. When you got hurt was a few minutes later...

You and Toby were walking home when you slipped and broke your nose... again. You sat there crying, "WHY!? WHY!?" Toby looked at what you tripped on. Guess what it was... a banana peel. 'Uh oh,' Toby thought.

Flashback to Before Toby Found You in a Tree

Toby was walking down the street, eating a banana. After he was done, he threw the peel down. And that's when you yelled for him. "TOBY!"


Toby helped you up and started walking you to the mansion to find someone to help. 'Once again, if she asks, it was BEN...', Toby decided.

A/N: Was this short? I feel like it was short. Either way, I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! BA BAI! ;)

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