Part 18

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-Raven Pov-

I take a step back when I see Qrow join me on the roof. He smirks as he sees my reaction, and then takes a long swing from his flask. I notice that he felt the need to bring his sword with him, while mine is still with the rest of the bandits. He takes the time to look me up and down, before he decides to set his sword down. However, anger is still present in his eyes, and he folds his arms over his chest. " What the hell are you doing here," he asks, almost as if he's accusing me for trespassing. 

" Qrow, all I wanted to do was make sure Summer was okay. I know giving birth can be difficult from time to time, and sometimes there are complications. I also wanted to see Yang, and make sure (y/n) was okay." My brother scoffs when I say this, and then starts pacing on the roof. 

" The tribe lets you make visits now," he asks patronizingly. " Man, they really have come a long way since the time you and I were in there. You were right, leaving behind everything you once knew to go back is a great investment, because you have visitation rights." I let out a sigh, and pinch the bridge of my nose. Why did my brother have to be a confrontational drunk instead of a weepy one?

" Qrow, it isn't as simple as that," I say, but knowing deep down that it won't make any sort of difference. " I had to go back to the tribe, it either had to be you or me, and you ran away from that choice. If you had gone back, I could have stayed with my family."

He chuckles at this. " You're blaming me now? Because I wanted to be something more than a killer, this is my fault? Raven, let's face it. You wanted to go back to that tribe for years now, and all you needed was an excuse."

Suddenly, I wish I had my sword with me to cut him down, hell I consider fighting him with just my hands and tearing him apart. Going back to the tribe was the last thing I wanted to do, until it was either that or the tribe would be destroyed. " You have no idea how much I agonized over this Qrow. No idea how many sleepless nights I spent, tossing and turning. How many times I want to go back to Yang and everyone else, the people I care about."

His eyes narrow. " Your actions could have destroyed the people you cared about, hell they did destroy the people you claim to care about. We all wasted two years of our live looking for you, believing the best about you and trying so damn hard to find you. And (y/n)? The poor bastard is out there right now trying to find you."

I tell him I know, and he loses all of whatever patience he had left. " Then why the hell are you doing this?! It would take you seconds to teleport in front of his face, and explain everything to him. Do you know what that would do for him?! You couldn't give him the time he spent on you back, but he could start moving on. Unless you wanna tell me that you're so far gone that you managed to sever your bond with him."

" I could never do that Qrow," I admit, my voice threatening to break. " That's not something I could ever do. And, I have teleported to him, when he's injured or fallen asleep somewhere dangerous. I make sure he's okay. I still love him. I just can't talk to him."

This makes him smirk, and then let out an angry scoff. " Can't, won't, or don't want to? You know what I think Raven? This was just a game. To see how long we would look for you before giving up. How long our happy memories of you would keep us going, how long before we decided to give up on you. And I think the reason you don't wanna see (y/n) is because in your mind, the game ends if you give him any answer. This is a social experiment to you, and you just wanna see how far he'll go for you."

He opens his mouth to say something else, but I punch him in the nose before he can. He staggers back, some blood dripping from it. I take a step back, breathing heavily and angrily at his accusation. Before he can say anything else, I open up a portal and step through it. Unlike usual, I don't go back to my bandit tribe. Instead, I find (y/n), sleeping in the middle of nowhere, his body recognizing the cold and shaking from it. 

Teleporting make to my tribe, I make my way through some members, and then find one of our spare blankets and pillows. Teleporting back to (y/n), I pick him up bridal style, and carry him somewhere a little bit saver. Setting his head down, I lift it up slightly to place the pillow underneath it. Then, I drape the blanket over him, and stand still for a few minutes to make sure he's comfortable. With that, I lean down to plant a kiss on his forehead. Staring as long as I risk, I then step through another portal back to the tribe. 

Qrow is wrong about me, about the tribe. About all of this. There are things in the world that he doesn't know. My tribe serves a purpose, and when it's over, then I can go back to everyone. He doesn't know that if I did see (y/n) and have a conversation with him or see Yang that I would never be able to leave again. But, I know that one day when this is over, it's going to be okay, and he and I can go back to the way it was before. " Wait for me (y/n)," I whisper to myself, before falling to sleep, dreaming of spooning him once more. 

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