Chapter 4: Meet The Maknaes

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"Just spill it." She said crossing her arms, giving the boy an unamused look, which made it worse for him to open his tongue-tied mouth.

"Well, this is awkward but would you like to be my date?"

My eyes widened at the words that just left his mouth.

"So?" He raised his left brow.

I didn't say anything. i mean who would actually know what to say? a random guy you just met yesterday asks you to be his date, would anyone in the right mind say yes? i started laughing.

"Woah, woah there buddy! We just met!" I said between my mocking laughs. He rolled one of his signature eye rolls and said "Just give me an answer." He spoke in annoyance. "W-wait you're serious?" I wiped off my tears. He remained silent and I blinked thrice. "Oh man holy shit!" I laughed harder and fell on the hard, cold floor, cupping my stomach with both my arms due to the ache of laughing too hard.

"You're *that* desperate?!" I mocked him as he crosses his arms, looking away. I continued to laugh, suddenly feeling cold hands on mine as it pulled me up and dragged me along with it. "W-What're you doing?" I finally stopped and asked in widening eyes. "Shut up." He answered back and continued to drag me out of my room. I started to kick his legs but it was pretty useless, so I thought of a plan of stomping his foot. Therefore I succeeded but he got pissed.

It looked at it really didn't hurt him one slight bit. He turned around to look at me and stopped in his tracks. Out of the blue he bent down to my knee level and I knew exactly what he was about to do, and so I ran as fast as I could. But... it was useless, he was as fast as the speed of light and was able to easily catch up with me.

He bent down to my knees once again and lifted me up in the air. The next thing I know was that I was already on his shoulder. My hip was bent so that it could rest on his support, i used my legs to kick his back as hard as i could, it didn't phase him one bit. "You crazy bastard!" I started to hit him on the chest but I only earned an annoyed groan from him, he looked like someone who had high pain tolerance. I couldn't bear seeing my sister worried so I continued to hit him.

"Let me go!" I screamed as my sister was nowhere to be found. Wow. What a great sister eh? My anger turned into annoyance soon and I eventually gave up, growing tired. It was no use anyway, he wouldn't bulge, move, Hell he wouldn't even flinch when I laid my punches on him.

The next thing I knew, I was already in a car. A sports car to be exact, a red one with flashy eyes and a removable door. my eyes started to get heavy. "hey, if you're gonna take me somewhere, make sure you let me have a good rest." I yawned. "read the room. you're getting kidnapped and the first thing you worry about is sleep?" He asked me. "I have nothing to be scared of. I have no reason to live anyway." I yawned and again, gave him a smug smile.

I was tied to the chair with ropes around my whole body and I didn't even bother to move a finger. I soon fell asleep due to the long drive and started to snore. I stayed up until 3am last night and I only got a small amount of sleep due to the sudden interruption.

[Jungkook's POV]

"I have nothing to be scared of. I have no reason to live anyway." I couldn't help but wonder why she was always so calm and relaxed about everything, even in troublesome times, at least that's what i know, every moment he's had with her so far either ended up in a fight or a crisis for her life. I mean... a stranger just kidnapped her and she's just sleeping in their car. I won't do anything to her but I'm just curious why she wasn't panicking like any girl would. Most people would be crying at this point. I turned my head to get a good look.

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