Chapter 23; stay

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"He's being a real pain in the ass." She kicked a pebble across the sand and into the sea. "Calm down will you? It's only until tomorrow, try not to get him suspicious." Said the silver head, she looked back at him and groaned. "It's not that easy, he won't talk to me. By the time you guys could pull off the decorations, he'll find out."

"Then you'll have to annoy him until he has no choice but to talk to you." Jungkook suggests, looking up at the girl as he sits down by the sand and she was just constantly throwing pebbles across the ocean.

"I guess I could try." She sighs, sitting down beside the male and she takes in a deep breath, staring once again at the sky.

"Tell you what, I'll help you. We can watch a movie all together in the theater room." He smiled, tapping the girl gently on her arm and she turns to look at him. "And I'll make sure to not slack." Jimin joined in, ruffling her hair and he smirked. "Welp, I gotta go, Jin hyung's gonna kill me if I don't." He slipped his hand into his pocket and walked off, leaving the two by their own.

"Thanks." She smiled brightly, hair being all messed up and she stares at the ocean again. She closes her eyes and her mind flew out of her head, floating like the wind and eases itself as she listen to waves. She opens her eyes and puts her hand on her cheek, resting it with pressuring weight as it makes her cheeks form a flesh of meat.

She suddenly thought of the odd boy and she remembered the way he looked at the sky, adoring it so much that it was almost touching. She shook it off and looks to her left and she saw an even more beautiful view. His brown hair was messily kept, long lashes frowned upwards and every thing about him was just one big piece of art. A loose shirt that barely covered his body and beach shorts that barely even kept his thing hidden.

The sky would turn gray and cry when she sees that he was sad. Thunder as loud cries and lightning as tears that escape her eyes as she screams in sorrow.

She would turn red when she sees the signature bunny-ish smile that rests on his face, stretching ear to ear. It was so beautiful that she had forced herself to melt into her feet.

She would go to sleep and imitate the pitch black vision he sees when he closes his eyes from when he's tired, she'd form billions of stars into the sky to watch over him in twinkling blinks. She'd send the moon to shine just a tiny bit of light left for him to know that he was still safe.

Then she'd wake up and start over again just for him to start his day, clouds and whisks of wind would pass by to remind him to keep going.

He was that beautiful. The skies and universes would watch over him as he sleeps effortlessly, everything around him would fall in love with his beauty and spark that engraved his soul.

"Kook." She looks at him with the prettiest look in her eyes, rocking her body side to side. "You are by far, the most beautiful blessing that has ever happened to me." She tilts her head just slightly, smiling. She spoke in the most sincere way possible, her tone was enough to remind him that he had someone by his side till the end of time.

Reaching her hand to touch his face, she caresses his soft skin so delicately, it was almost like she was scared of hurting him by just a touch. Her fingers were trembling, thumb just softly rubbing his cheek and he places his hand on hers, looking at her with a confused face.

"If anything ever happens to me, you promise not to risk anything okay?" She said, not in a request kind of way but almost in a demand.

"Why do you keep saying that something will happen t—"

"If anything happens to me, I want you to move on and live your life okay?" She cuts him off, shifting her hand so that she was was now intertwining fingers with his.

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